[act-ma] Boston Labor Day march monday sept. 3

Michael Borkson nosanctions at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 27 21:39:59 PDT 2012

----- Forwarded Message -----
>From: Massachusetts Jobs with Justice <jwj at massjwj.net>
>To: nosanctions at yahoo.com 
>Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 11:59 AM
>Subject: How Will You Celebrate Labor Day?
>  We've got some ideas for you:
>Good Jobs, Strong Communities
>March & Rally
>Monday, September 3rd, 11AM
>Park St. Station, Boston, MA
>On this Labor Day, as millions of working Americans are feeling the pain of the economic crisis, 14,000 janitors who clean office buildings and universities across the New England area are getting ready to negotiate a good contract. Their fight is everyone’s fight-- we need good jobs to support our families and to have a brighter future.
>Join SEIU 615 for a march for good jobs and strong communities!
>For more information, call 617-523-6150 or visit seiu615.org
>Same Struggle, Same Fight, We are the 99%
>Labor Day March for Economic Justice
>Monday, September 3rd, 10:30AM
>Corner of Stafford and Broadway St. Lawrence, MA
>Join your union sisters and brothers and the Lawrence community to celebrate Labor Day and the 100th anniversary of the Bread & Roses Strike. We will march to the Bread & Roses Festival on the North Common in the name of the 1912 strikers and the continued struggle for economic justice. There will be music and dance, poetry and drama, ethnic food, walking and trolley tours, and a Lawrence history speakers tent, all on Lawrence's Campagnone Common. Learn more about the festival here.
>For more information, email jennifer at massjwj.net.   
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