[act-ma] Rally in support of PFC. Bradley Manning

Aria Littlhous aria at littlhous.net
Thu Aug 30 11:18:32 PDT 2012

As announced at last Sunday's SAA. This will be a national event at Obama
headquarters on Sept6--the day Obama will be renominated in Charlotte--and
the groups listed would appreciate the support and presence of OB to bring
as much attention as possible to Bradley Manning's case. Some will get
there early (11am) to leaflet the lunchtime crowd, with others joining as
they can for maximum presence at 3pm. OBR radio will be covering the event.
Hope to see many other OB friends there. IS, Joan
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Contact: Al Johnson-Event Coordinator at 781-891-0377 or email:
alfrcdjohnson34 at comcast.net Or Pat Scanlon - VFP Coordinator at:
978-590-4248 or email: PatScanlonMusic at yahoo.com

Rally in support of PFC. Bradley Manning

September 6th 3:00 pm

Obama Campaign Headquarters

77 Summer Street, Boston
The Boston Smedley Butler Brigade and North Shore Samantha Smith Chapter-
Veterans for Peace, the Boston Bradley Manning Support Network , Somerville
Manning Square Committee, Boston United Anti-War Coalition, United for
Peace with Justice and other social activists and concerned citizens
support the call by the National Bradley Manning Support Network and others
to rally nationwide at local Obama headquarters on Thursday September 6,
2012, the day President Obama is scheduled to accept the Democratic Party
nomination for president. We call upon President Obama to use his
constitutional authority and immediately pardon Army Private First Class
Bradley Manning.

The rally will take place at the Downtown Boston Obama Headquarters at 77
Summer Street (on the Downtown Crossing stop on the Red Line and Orange
Line) starting at 2:00 PM

Since Army PFC Bradley Manning's arrest in May 2010 for allegedly sharing
the "Collateral Murder" video and other evidence of war crimes and
government corruption with the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks,
progressives and human rights activists have been asking, "Why isn't
President Obama stepping in to help Bradley?" After all, it was President
Obama who in May 2011 declared with regards to protests in the Middle East,
"In the 21st Century, information is power; the truth cannot be hidden; and
the legiti­macy of governments will ultimately depend on active and
informed citizens."

"As Veterans of many wars, Veterans For Peace stand with Bradley Manning"
stated Al Johnson, a member of Veterans For Peace and the organizer for
today's rally. "Bradley Manning has spent over two years hi jail for
releasing information that exposed the secrecy of our foreign policy.
Bradley Manning is a soldier of conscience, a hero to many, a whistle
blower who saw a wrong, possibly war crimes and exposed the truth. We call
on President Obama to immediately pardon Bradley Manning".

The Smedley D. Butler Brigade Chapter 9 of Veterans For Peace was
established in the mid-1980s and includes more than 200 Veterans from the
Boston area. The local chapter is part of the national Veterans For Peace
and is named in honor of Marine Gen. Smedley D. Butler, the most decorated
Marine in U.S. history, who turned against war and famously said "War is a
Racket. A few profit, the many pay."

The website of the Smedley D. Butler Brigade of Veterans For Peace is
www.SmedleyVFP.org. The na­tional Veterans For Peace website is
<b>Additional Information

Support Rally for PFC Bradley Manning - September 6, 2012 - 2:00 PM Obama's
Campaign Headquarters, 77 Summer Street, Boston, MA
On Thursday, August 16, US military veterans in Portland OR, Oakland CA,
and Los An­geles CA, occupied Obama 2012 campaign offices and faxed a
letter of demands to the Obama campaign's central office. Those letters
As those who have spent years serving our country, we have faith that as
Commander-in-Chief, President Obama will do the right thing in answering
our request.

The letter went on to list the following demands:

That President Obama retract and apologize for remarks made in April 2011,
in which he said Bradley Manning "broke the law." Because President Obama
is commander-in-chief, this constitutes unlawful command influence,
violating Article 37 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), and
prevents Bradley from receiving a fair trial.

That President Obama pardon the accused whistle-blower, taking into
consideration his 800 days of pretrial confinement. UN torture chief Juan
Mendez called Manning's treat­ment "cruel and inhuman," as it included nine
months of solitary confinement at Quantico despite Brig psychiatrists
recommending relaxed conditions.

The Bradley Manning Support Network maintains hope that justice will
prevail and that President Obama can be the vehicle of change on this
issue, but first he needs to hear loud and clear from veterans and
civilians across the country that the American people want amends for the
unlawful torture of Bradley Manning, and believe he should be freed.

Organizers of the August 16 West Coast actions are now urging others to
join them in a nationwide effort to hold actions at many more local Obama
campaign offices on Septem­ber 6th, the day of candidate's nomination
acceptance speech. We want to share messages of support for Bradley with
Obama campaign offices from coast to coast...

Please contact emma at bradleymanning.org for more information about attending
and/or organizing an event.

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