[act-ma] The Boston Palestine Film Festival starts soon! Festival dates: Oct. 5 - 13, 2012

Maryssa Cook-Obregón maryssacon at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 19:19:09 PDT 2012

"The 6th annual Boston Palestine Film Festival runs October 5-13, 2012.
Highlights: *Habib*i, 10/5, with director Susan Youssef attending; *The
People and the Olive*, 10/7, with director Aaron Dennis attending; *The War
Around Us*, with director Abdallah Omeish attending, 10/13; and a live
concert by the Ali Amr Quartet, 10/13. *Visit
http://www.bostonpalestinefilmfest.org/ for more information.*"

(NOTE TO MODERATOR: PLEASE make sure the email that is posting this is
info at bostonpalestinefilmfest.org and NOT maryssacon at gmail.com.)

Maryssa C. Cook Obregón
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