[act-ma] 9/27 The National Movement for a Constitutional Amendment to Reclaim our Democracy - John Hill, Move to Amend (Thurs)

John Hill tojhil at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 22 08:00:14 PDT 2012


                                Thursday, September 27, 2012

                                7 pm @ First Church JP

                                6 Eliot St - by the Monument

                                RSVP and invite your friends on Facebook

                                Unless otherwise noted, all events are held at First Church UU in JP, 6 Eliot Street, by the monument (map).

                                Want to help build community in JP? Volunteer at the Forum! Click here to sign up.


        Community Conversations on the Great Issues that Shape Our Neighborhood and Our Planet

        Heard of Citizens United? Concerned that money has too much influence in our political system? Come learn about the democracy movement!

We the People: The National Movement for a Constitutional Amendment to Reclaim our Democracy

Thursday, September 27th,  7 PM

        First Church Jamaica Plain, 6 Eliot St, JP (map)

        RSVP and invite your friends on Facebook


        Government by the people is under attack by big money in politics. Because of the 2010 Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC and other rulings, corporations and the super-rich can now spend unlimited amounts of money to influence our elections. To make matters worse, corporations have been given constitutional rights originally lntended only for the people. Using these rights, big business has gotten the court to strike down hundreds of laws protecting our, health, safety, environment, and democracy.

Move to Amend speaker John Hill will talk about Citizen United, the threat to our democracy, the long history of big business efforts to to gain an upper hand, and the proper role of corporations in our society. He’ll also discuss the burgeoning democracy movement in the US and the Democracy Amendment Question, which one-third of the state’s voters, including JP voters, will vote on this November 6.

John Hill serves on the coordinating committee of Greater Boston Move to Amend. A longtime activist, organizer, and former fundraiser and nonprofit administrator, he has worked on a myriad of social justice issues. This year he helped his mother, Jean Hill, and other Concord environmental activists pass the first ban on the sale of single-serve bottled water in the country. John is also a musician whose songs deal with social concerns and whose music has been praised in the Boston Globe  and Boston Phoenix.

Move to Amend is a national coalition seeking an amendment to the US Constitution stating that inalienable rights belong to human beings only and that money is not a form of protected free speech under the First Amendment and can be regulated in political campaigns. Formed in September 2009 and growing like a wildfire, the coalition is made up of hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of individuals committed to justice and a vibrant democracy accountable to the people, not corporations and the super-rich.

For more information about this events visit http://jamaicaplainforum.org.

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