[act-ma] March to End Rape Culture and Gender Inequality Oct 13 noon!

Reed Miller reedmiller17 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 16:22:15 PDT 2012

Hi all, Please forward to anyone who may be interested in this march! - Reed

*Boston Feminists for Liberation presents a March to End Rape Culture and
Gender Inequality*

*When: Saturday October 13, 2012, 12:00 noon**
**Where: Parkman Bandstand in the Boston Common*

Join hundreds of Boston Feminists for Liberation as we challenge the
institutions that uphold rape culture and its intersections with racism,
classism, transphobia, homophobia, fatphobia, ageism, ableism, and all
other forms of oppression.

 In Boston, we have seen the incidents of sexual assault increase on
campuses while rape crisis centers lose funding and staff. We have seen an
escalation in police brutality, especially against communities of color,
while neighborhood violence is trivialized and normalized. We have seen
austerity measures directly attack women’s health and abortion centers
while many of us face street harassment, workplace discrimination, low
wages, and a myriad of other types of oppression.

 We are done with the powerful exploiting our labor, our bodies, and our
lives. We are sick of the violence inherent in our culture. Rape,
harassment and institutional harm have to go. We will no longer accept
blame for the violence done to us. We will not accept austerity that puts
the crimes of the rich on the backs of the poor. We deserve more than
narrow, binary forms of gender. We deserve better.

 We will create a world worth living in. We will build streets where we can
walk unafraid, we will create a just economic system and we will fight for
our bodily autonomy. We will defend our reproductive rights, and fight
against all attacks on our body. This is a fight for our lives and a fight
we will not stop.

 This march is an inclusive event open to all people committed to fighting
against rape culture and gender inequality. The event is accessible by
MBTA, directly off of the Boylston or Park Street stops. Street parking is
generally metered, and The Boston Common parking garage is located at 0
Charles Street.

 For up-to-date information, please see our Facebook page:

For Media, Sponsorship, and Other Inquiries:
bostonfeministsforliberation at gmail.com
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