[act-ma] REMINDER TONIGHT: Wed 10/10 7 pm The Federal Budget on OBR.FM

David O. Knuttunen webmaster at dsaboston.org
Wed Oct 10 10:23:41 PDT 2012

Wed 10/10/12 7:00 pm USA Eastern time on OB RADIO (http://obr.fm
<http://obr.fm/> ) 
w/ rebroadcasts the following Monday 10:00 am and Wednesday 7:00 am.
Podcasts put up about 10 days after original broadcast.


The Federal Budget: What Does it Mean to You? 

And What Can You Do About It?

with Michael Kane and Molly Hannon


Set your Internet Browser to OBR.FM.

It's the election season, and it seems every candidate has an opinion on the
Federal Budget.  How do you know who to believe?  Why should you care?

Our guests, Michael Kane and Molly Hannon, are activists who have devoted
long hours, over the years, learning to understand the Federal Budget, what
it means to them and to their communities, as well as the politics of what
gets funded and why, and what citizens and activists can do to influence the
process. We'll be discussing the budget, itself - How big is it? What does
it fund, and how much? Who decides what it is? - as well as budget focused
activism, and, in particular, a ballot question many Massachusetts residents
will get to vote on, this November: the Budget For All
<http://budget4allmass.org/>  referendum.

Michael Kane is a lifelong activist and community organizer, currently with
the Mass Alliance of HUD Tenants <http://www.saveourhomes.org/maht/>  (MAHT)
and National Alliance of HUD Tenants (NAHT), the only national tenants union
in the US since 1992. MAHT has helped tenants save more than 11,400
apartments in the state since 1983, one building at a time, and has
spearheaded fights to save federal funding for housing from right wing
attacks in Congress. MAHT joined with peace and labor groups to initiate the
Budget for All referendum campaign earlier this year.

Molly Hannon is a working mother of two from Roslindale, and a long time
tenant leader with the Mass Alliance of HUD Tenants, who helped lead the
fight to save affordable housing at High Point Village (now Stonybrook
Commons) and other at risk housing developments. Molly is a well-known
activist with Occupy Boston, and collected hundreds of signatures to place
the Budget for All Referendum on the ballot in Roslindale, West Roxbury and
other communities.

A good website for information about the Federal Budget is the National
Priorities Project
<http://nationalpriorities.org/en/budget-basics/federal-budget-101/> .

The Federal Budget: What does it mean to you? And what can you do about it?
With Michael Kane and Molly Hannon
Wednesday, 10/10/2012 7:00 pm USA Eastern Time
Occupy Boston Radio - OBR.FM
Rebroadcasts the following Monday at 10:00 am and Wednesday at 7:00 am. Will
go up to the archive (and the Podcast feed) approximately 10 days from the
9/12 broadcast.

Subscribe to our podcasts


FSU Programs typically are posted as podcasts about 8 to10 days after the
original broadcast.  You can subscribe to our podcast feed, and have them
delivered right to your iTunes, or Juice, or some other podcatcher.  There
is a link to our Podcast feed on the right-hand side of our blog
<http://fsuradio.wordpress.com/> , or you can go directly to the Feedburner
<http://feeds.feedburner.com/FreeSchoolUniversityRadioPodcasts>  site, and
sign up there.


Information about The FSU Program and Occupy Boston Radio


Occupy Boston Radio is currently available by internet only.  You can reach
us at http://www.occupyboston.org/radio/ or http://obr.fm <http://obr.fm/> ,
or by going to http://occupyboston.org <http://occupyboston.org/>  and
choosing "Radio" from the red menu bar at the top of the page.  Once on the
page, click the "play" arrow on the radio player control app to begin
listening.   (If you have a device, like an iPhone, that can't use Flash,
there's a link there for that, too.)


Check out our Blog at  <http://fsuradio.wordpress.com>


FSU-RADIO is an educational series by Occupy Boston's Free School
University. Our goal is to form an autonomous zone and share skills needed
to maintain that, to entertain educate and enliven Occupiers and the general
public. Our purpose is to provide support and space for skill sharing and
sharing basic info regarding Occupy Boston and to encourage
self-organization, teaching, and learning opportunities.


Our Wednesday program consists of TALK radio featuring educational content
such as lectures, panel discussions and interviews.


Host: David Knuttunen (guest hosts from time to time)

Time: WED 7-8pm USA Eastern time.  (Rebroadcasts the following Monday at
10:00 am and Wednesday at 7:00 am.)


To propose a guest for the program, email fsu.radio.podcasts at gmail.com, or
call David Knuttunen 617-558-5853.



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