[act-ma] TONIGHT! 10/24 7:00 PM Corporations are not People! Democracy Amendment on Occupy Boston Radio (FSU Program)

David O. Knuttunen webmaster at dsaboston.org
Wed Oct 24 07:15:12 PDT 2012

Wed 10/24/12 7:00 pm on OB RADIO (http://obr.fm <http://obr.fm/> ) 
w/ rebroadcasts the following Monday 10:00 am and Wednesday 7:00 am.
Podcasts put up about 10 days after original broadcast.

Corporations are not People! Citizens United and the Democracy Amendment

Set your Internet Browser to OBR.FM.

The U.S. Supreme Court, in its 5-4 decision in Citizens United v. Federal
Elections Commission (2010), decided that corporate money spent in elections
is "free speech", and protected by the Constitution. When it did this, it
threw out decades worth of campaign finance laws that had restricted
election spending by corporations, unions, and other organized groups. The
ruling has also dramatically expanded other "corporate rights" and distorted
the First Amendment to give constitutional rights to corporate entities that
were never intended to enjoy the protections the Constitution reserves for
"We the People."

On November 6th, voters in 6 Massachusetts State Senate and 30 State
Representative districts will vote on a ballot question that supports a
Constitutional amendment to overturn the Citizens United decision and
establish fair elections. Over three hundred local activists collected
nearly 20,000 signatures statewide in support of the ballot question. A
'YES' vote on the Democracy Amendment Question
<http://democracyamendmentmass.org/learnmore/>  will reinforce the recent
resolution passed by the Massachusetts state legislature, and make a loud
call for a constitutional amendment to reserve the rights of citizens for
actual human beings.

The Democracy Amendment Ballot Question:

Shall the state [senator or representative] from this district be instructed
to vote in favor of a resolution calling upon Congress to propose an
amendment to the US Constitution affirming that 1) corporations are not
entitled to the constitutional rights of human beings, and 2) both Congress
and the states may place limits on political contributions and political

10/24 Corporations are not People! 
Citizens United and the Democracy Amendment

Wednesday, 10/24/12 7:00 pm USA Eastern Time
Occupy Boston Radio - OBR.FM
with rebroadcasts the following Monday 10:00 am and Wednesday 7:00 am.
Podcasts typically go up 8-10 days later.


This show is being prerecorded, so call-ins unfortunately will be disabled.
But feel free to initiate a discussion via the comments section of our blog


Subscribe to our podcasts


FSU Programs typically are posted as podcasts about 8 to10 days after the
original broadcast.  You can subscribe to our podcast feed, and have them
delivered right to your iTunes, or Juice, or some other podcatcher.  There
is a link to our Podcast feed on the right-hand side of our blog
<http://fsuradio.wordpress.com/> , or you can go directly to the Feedburner
<http://feeds.feedburner.com/FreeSchoolUniversityRadioPodcasts>  site, and
sign up there.


Information about The FSU Program and Occupy Boston Radio


Occupy Boston Radio is a community radio station, currently available by
internet only.  You can reach us at http://www.occupyboston.org/radio/ or
http://obr.fm <http://obr.fm/> , or by going to http://occupyboston.org
<http://occupyboston.org/>  and choosing "Radio" from the red menu bar at
the top of the page.  Once on the page, click the "play" arrow on the radio
player control app to begin listening.   (If you have a device, like an
iPhone, that can't use Flash, there's a link there for that, too.)


Check out our Blog at  <http://fsuradio.wordpress.com>


FSU-RADIO is an educational series by Occupy Boston's Free School
University. Our goal is to form an autonomous zone and share skills needed
to maintain that, to entertain educate and enliven Occupiers and the general
public. Our purpose is to provide support and space for skill sharing and
sharing basic info regarding Occupy Boston and to encourage
self-organization, teaching, and learning opportunities.


Our Wednesday program consists of TALK radio featuring educational content
such as lectures, panel discussions and interviews.


Host: David Knuttunen (guest hosts from time to time)

Time: WED 7-8pm USA Eastern time.  (Rebroadcasts the following Monday at
10:00 am and Wednesday at 7:00 am.)


To propose a guest for the program, email fsu.radio.podcasts at gmail.com, or
call David Knuttunen 617-558-5853.


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