[act-ma] Tomorrow, Sat. 10/27 - Colombia Vive co-presents documentary re: campesino resistence

Bill Spirito (BASE) spirito at spanishclassesboston.com
Fri Oct 26 11:19:55 PDT 2012

Colombia Vive will co-present the documentary "El Gigante" inthe Boston 
Latino International Film Festival (BLIFF). This is a rare 
artistically-made documentary that follows the campesino resistance to 
the El Quimbo project in southern Colombia, and this is a U.S. premier.

Find out more at www.colombiavive.org

*Sat. Oct. 27 8:30pm*
tickets: $10
Northeastern University
West Village F, Room #20 (behind and to the left of the O'Bryant Center, 
off 40 Leon Street, Boston, MA 02115)

A documentary by Bruno Federico, Andrea Ciacci, Consuelo Navarro.
Colombia/Italy 2012/62 minutes
What would you do if some day someone came to your home and told you it 
would be flooded?


The construction of a hydroelectric power plant threatens the valley of 
the Magdalena River, its flora, fauna, people and their way of living. A 
group of peasants and fishermen, who have grown up under the shadow of 
"El Gigante" (the giant), struggles against the multinational companies 
Enel, Endesa and Impregilo. These companies are constructing the power 
plant despite the voices of disagreement but with the blatant complicity 
of the State institutions and the protection of the Army. Through the 
voices of the protagonists and the actions undertaken to protest, the 
documentary shows a year of a struggle that has not yet finished.

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