[act-ma] 11/8 Chomsky, Prashad & Christiansen on the Elections; ACT TODAY - YES on the Budget for All Massachusetts!

Suren Moodliar suren at fairjobs.org
Fri Nov 2 07:39:49 PDT 2012

*1. Yes on the Budget for All Massachusetts!*
*2. The Elections and the Unpeoples: A Debriefing with Noam Chomsky, Vijay
Prashad & Sam Christiansen (Thursday, 11/8, 7:00 p.m., Old South Church)*

*1. Help Get Out the YES Vote for the Budget For All*

Election Day Nov. 6 is a few days off and it's time for the last push to
get a big YES vote on Budget for All, the referendum for jobs, social
security, fair taxes and reducing the military budget and ending the war in

   - Flyers, signs and palm cards are available
   - Volunteers for working the polls *on election day*, especially 7-9am
   and 5-8 pm, are needed.
   - Flyering *this weekend*.contact: pshannon at afsc.orgor
   cole at masspeaceaction.org to sign up!

For the Budget for All's question number in your town:

For the full text of referendum and other information:  Budget4AllMass.org

*2. The Elections & the Unpeoples - A Debriefing*

Thursday, November 8, 2012, 7:00 p.m.
Chomsky - Prashad - Christiansen
Old South Church, Copley Square (across from the BPL)
http://chomskyspeaks.org & http://www.facebook.com/events/446263478753236

No matter how dismal the outcomes may be, every US presidential election is
made consequential by our prolonged crises of environment, economy, and

In a surreal political climate where corporations are endowed with the
rights of people and people are stripped of the their rights, three
distinguished activist thinkers and scholars come together to help us think
through the election results and how we should be responding.

Noam Chomsky, renowned linguist and political philosopher, Vijay Prashad,
the incisive commentator and analyst of global politics and chronicler of
the "Darker Nations," join Sam Christiansen, World History scholar in an
evening of conversation and reflection at the Old South Church (

Visit http://www.ChomskySpeaks.org/ for your event tickets (seating is
limited); tickets are $15/person or $10 for low income/unemployed/students.
Proceeds from the event will benefit encuentro 5 (http://encuentro5.org/).

"Unpeoples" is term from scholar Mark Curtis's (2008) analysis of foreign
policy, "Unpeople – those whose lives are deemed worthless, expendable in
the pursuit of power and commercial gain."
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