[act-ma] Affinity Groups forming, JP local currency

Aria Littlhous aria at littlhous.net
Fri Nov 16 13:09:42 PST 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Greg Buckland, Jamaica Plain Forum <info at jamaicaplainforum.org>
Date: Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 3:48 PM
Subject: Build a Strong Social Movement with Affinity Groups, Support our
local economy with Boston Beans
To: aria at littlhous.net


*Join an Affinity Group to Build a Strong Social Movement *

Tuesday, November 20, 7pm
The Democracy Center, 45 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge

*RSVP and invite your friends on Facebook**

*Want to help build community in JP? *Volunteer at the Forum! Click here to
sign up.<http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=mMI6wAtweqYJilSM97I%2B9NixLQ8PBP6y>


[image: JP Forum]

*Community Conversations on the Great Issues that Shape Our Neighborhood
and Our Planet*

In case you missed post-election meetup on forming Affinity
direct action and a stronger Democracy, we're having another
*this Tuesday, November 20th,* at the Democracy Center in Cambridge.

Also, see below <#13b0afa8d4ec9db0_potluck> for an exciting announcement
about an *experiment in local currency *that our friends at JP New Economy
launching this holiday season.

In solidarity,
Greg Buckland, JP Forum Coordinator

---------Forwarded Message: -----------

Dear Daria,

*Hurricane Sandy has clearly shown us that we have to get serious about
fighting climate change.* If you were one of the 2700+ folks who came out
to Bill McKibben's "Do the Math
in Boston last night, perhaps you felt the momentum building in the climate
change movement.

The math is clear, the stakes couldn't be higher, and it's time to get to
work building a strong climate movement. (If you missed Bill's talk, click here
to see a photo of all 2700

*That's why we're holding Meet-Ups to help form small "affinity groups" for
social action, support, and community-building.*

Imagine six months from now a social movement that no longer waits for
elected politicians to lead and engages in direct action against the fossil
fuel industry. To build this movement, we need to come together to form
affinity groups -- i.e. small groups of friends and neighbors that can
engage in creative nonviolent action and lean on each other for support in
the months and years to come. Read more about affinity groups

Join us on November 20 in Cambridge to learn more and get involved!

   - Hear inspiring stories from former and current members of affinity
   groups, including JP's Chuck Collins and Loie Hayes
   - Find out about direct actions coming up through 350 MA, the Boston
   Climate Action Network (BCAN), and other networks
   - Learn tips for forming an affinity group in your neighborhood, and get
   the tools and support you need
   - Meet others who want to build a strong climate movement

*Tuesday, November 20, 7pm*

* The Democracy Center, 45 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge*

See you there,
Sarah Byrnes

*JP NET Potluck: Buy Local for the Holidays - introducing the Boston Bean
**November 27th, 6:30pm*
Nate Smith House

Come find out more about JP's holiday experiment in local currency, the
Boston Bean! RSVP on
by Email<orionk at gmail.com?subject=RSVP%20for%20Buy%20Local%20Potluck%20on%20November%2027th&body=I%20will%20be%20there%20and%20I%20will%20bring%3A%20>

[image: Sample image of Boston Bean 5 note]This holiday season, support
local businesses in JP - *the first 100 people at this potluck will receive
a $5 Boston Bean* which can be spent at participating local businesses
through the end of January 2013.

We will also hear more about how to support our local economy from:

   - *David Warner* - City Feed owner and co-founder of JP BUY LOCAL, will
   share what we've done to date to promote independently owned local
   businesses in JP.
   - *Michael Kanter* - co-owner of Cambridge Naturals (a fixture in
   Cambridge for 39 years), founding member of Cambridge Local First, and
   promoter of Slow Money, will share stories from across the river about what
   they are doing to promote a local economy.
   - *Dakota Butterfield* - of Legalize Chickens fame, will introduce JP's
   own experiment in local currency, the Boston Bean.

This holiday season, you can spend your Boston Bean at any participating
local business in JP - participating businesses will have the JP BUY LOCAL
logo in their window. You can also get a free $5 Boston Bean at the
Egleston Square Holiday party on December 1st, First Thursday on December
6th, and the Holiday Stroll on December 8th.

*Buy Local for the Holidays and spread the word!*
your local neighborhood organizer,


*also coming up at the JP Forum...*

>From Guerilla to Grandmother: Politics of Rage and Practical Peace with
Katherine Power*
*Friday, December 7, 7pm – 9pm*

“I didn’t set out to be a terrorist” begins Katherine Power’s bio. Come
hear this local activist’s remarkable story of seeking peace and
reconciliation in the wake of being accomplice to a heinous crime. More
details to come.

For more information about these events visit
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"Our goal is a society that prioritizes the needs of all before the profits
of the few." passed by Occupy Boston General Assembly 11/29/11
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