[act-ma] POSTPONED: TUE 11/20 7:30PM- Public Forum: Stop Israel's Slaughter on Gaza!

Shaun Joseph snjoseph at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 13:19:19 PST 2012

The Boston International Socialist Organization (ISO) is postponing
our public forum, "Stop Israel's slaughter on Gaza, Free Palestine!"
scheduled for Tuesday night at Spontaneous Celebrations, and instead
is urging Palestine supporters to attend the Boston-wide protest in
solidarity with Palestine on Tuesday at 7 in Copley Square
(http://www.facebook.com/events/116427225184555/?fref=ts).  Israel is
intensifying its killing in Gaza, and this protest will be a crucial
show of solidarity.  We plan to have a much needed forum on the
political context of the current crisis, a vision for Palestinian
liberation, and discussion of building the strongest possible
Palestine solidarity movement in the US.  This forum is to be
announced; please look forward to details in the coming days.

The original announcement is copied below.

On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 5:46 PM, Shaun Joseph <snjoseph at gmail.com> wrote:
> Stop Israel's Slaughter on Gaza! FREE PALESTINE!
> A forum by the International Socialist Organization - Free and open to
> the public
> Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St, Boston (Jamaica Plain)
> [Orange Line T to Stony Brook]
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/events/437265759672991/
> Come find out what's behind Israel's murderous assault on
> Gaza--including the crucial role of the US in backing Israeli
> aggression--and discuss what we can do to show solidarity with the
> people of Palestine.
> For more info email contact at bostonsocialism.org or visit
> http://www.bostonsocialism.org/

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