[act-ma] anti-occupation holiday caroling

Richard Colbath-Hess rcolbathhess at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 15:22:39 PST 2012

Anti-Occupation Holiday Caroling:  Boycott SodaStream!

Thursday, December 20th
4:30 - 6:30 pm
450 Washington St, Boston (Macy's at Downtown Crossing)

Whatever you celebrate this season, join Jewish Voice for Peace for a
musical protest against SodaStream, an Israeli corporation that produces
home carbonation devices in the illegal West Bank settlement of Mishor
Adumim.  In solidarity with Palestinian people living under occupation,
let's do our part to cut into the profit of companies that exploit Israel's
violations of international law.  

We will paradies of Chanukah, Christmas, and winter songs, but non-singers
are welcome as well!

For more information on why we boycott Sodastream, visit


Richard Colbath-Hess LICSW

79 Amory Street

Cambridge,  MA     02139


rcolbathhess at gmail.com


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