[act-ma] Courthouse rally: Foreclosed family fighting Freddie Mac 1/31, 8:30am

Maria Christina Blanco mcblanco at diezlunas.org
Mon Jan 28 13:01:14 PST 2013

Freddie Mac is willing to sell at true value to investors and Wall St. 
But what about working people who are offering a fair price to stay in 
their own homes???

Support Ramon Suero and his family, and demand policy change at Freddie 
Mac to get justice for them and thousands of underwater homeowners in 
the same situation!

This Thursday 1/31, the Sueros have an important hearing on their case. 
  They are asking the court to hold Freddie Mac to their end of the deal 
and to negotiate on their offer to buy back through Boston Community 
Capital <www.sunhomehelp.org> before enforcing the move-out order that 
takes effect the next day - Friday 2/01.

City Life/Vida Urbana <www.clvu.org/fanniefreddie> and UNITE HERE Local 
26 <www.local26.org> are holding a courthouse steps rally and press 
conference to support the Suero family and announce their cooperation in 
resisting the eviction by any means necessary.  Please join us in 
supporting our neighbors and holding Freddie Mac accountable:

Show solidarity with the Suero family along with City Life/Vida Urbana & 

Thurs. Jan 31, 2013 8:15am
Suffolk County Housing Court
(24 New Chardon St., Boston near Haymarket T stop on Orange Line)

Call Freddie Mac and their lawyers - tell them to stop the eviction and 
negotiate on Ramon Suero's offer!
Orlans Moran Law Offices (Benjamin Adeyinka): 781-790-7800
Freddie Mac Public Relations (Brad German): 703-903-2437

Contact with any questions:

    María Christina Blanco, City Life/Vida Urbana
    (617)524-3541 x313 office, (617)372-3022 cel
    Lisa Clauson, UNITE HERE Local 26

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