[act-ma] 2/4 SoJust Skillshare: Time Management - Register Now

Robbie Samuels send2robbie at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 20:37:17 PST 2013

Last chance to register for Monday night's Time Management skillshare by
Hillary Rettig. $10-$20 (sliding scale), register online with a credit card
at www.sojust.org. Cash only at the door (if space available).

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 10:52 PM, Robbie Samuels <send2robbie at gmail.com>wrote:

> Was one of your resolutions to be more productive? More organized? Find
> balance between work and everything else that matters to you?*Join
> Socializing for Justice for a Skillshare on Value-Based Time Management on
> February 4, 6:00 - 8:30 PM.*
> *Register at www.sojust.org - Newcomers always welcomed!*
> *Fee: $10-$20 (sliding scale) is split with the trainer.
> Limited space - register ahead of time.
> Credit cards accepted online. Cash only at the door (if space available).
> *
> SoJust hosts events that draw progressives of all stripes that share
> common values but may work on different issues. We host monthly socials
> that allow for the possibility of cross-issue connections and run a monthly
> Skillshare Series, hosted by The NonProfit Center*, which increases our
> individual capacity for movement building.
> 6:00-6:30 Socializing -  *bring your own dinner*
> 6:30-8:30 Training and Q&A
> *Value-Based Time Management*
> This workshop begins with a discussion of how time should be viewed and
> valued; why one needs to manage it; and how successful people tend to view
> and use time. Then we move onto the five foundational principles of time
> management, and contrast examples of managed and unmanaged time schedules.
> We then discuss right and wrong ways to use time, lifestyles that support
> and inhibit success, and techniques for budgeting and tracking your time.
> We also discuss how to set priorities; how to decide and maintain
> boundaries; and how to “create” time through delegation and other
> techniques. Finally, we discuss tips for sticking to your schedule, and
> dealing with unsupportive people. After the workshop, many participants
> report being more productive and less stressed.
> *Hillary Rettig*'s latest book is "The 7 Secrets of the Prolific: The
> Definitive Guide to Overcoming Procrastination, Perfectionism, and Writer's
> Block" (Infinite Art, 2011), and she is also author of The Lifelong
> Activist: How to Change the World Without Losing Your Way
> (Lantern Books, 2011). She is also a vegan, kidney donor, and foster
> parent. For more on Hillary's books, workshops, and coaching, as well as
> abundant free downloads, visit www.hillaryrettig.com. [At the Skillshare,
> Hillary will be selling "The 7 Secrets of the Prolific" for a discounted
> $20, with $5 of each sale going to SoJust.]
> **  DIRECTIONS<http://www.nonprofitcenterboston.org/site/c.ddKGIQNuEmG/b.1363373/k.5381/About_Us__Directions.htm> -
> The NonProfit Center* is located one block from South Station at 89 South
> Street. The Center is physically accessible through the main lobby.
> _________________________________________________________
> *Socializing for Justice - www.sojust.org*
> Since 2006, we've been building this great sandbox where we can bring
> progressives of all stripes together and try out new ideas in this
> "Movement Moment". Spaces like this are crucial as we start to reframe and
> build new visions for our movement(s).
> With 2200 members and 6+ years of creating a diverse cross-issue community
> in Boston (140+ events!), Socializing for Justice is the best place to find
> the great people, organizations and community you're looking for while
> putting the SOCIAL back in social justice.
> *YES, WE MEAN YOU.* We've got members of all ages, races, genders, sexual
> orientations, levels of activism and professions. We hope you see someone
> like yourself and meet someone you otherwise wouldn't have.
> *Want to know more about SoJust?* Check out our  Frequently Asked
> Questions<http://sojust.meetup.com/1/messages/boards/view/viewthread?thread=3187615>
>  and  past event photos <http://sojust.meetup.com/1/photos/>!
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