Mr. Anchaly Luy anchaly_luy at rocketmail.com
Mon Feb 4 12:13:09 PST 2013

Please assist me,

Mr. Anchaly Luy. is my name I am the bank manager and also an account holder of a deceased customer 
of a bank in Asia. 

I am contacting for a good proposal that will benefit both of us if you are interested and trustworthy, 
please reply back and let’s benefit from this golden opportunity. 

I am contacting you because I need to do the deal with someone outside my country for security reasons, 
it's not the type of deal you let someone around you to be aware of. My bank does not even know that 
I am contacting you. 

I will explain better the process as a banker when I see your response.

 I wait to hear from you.

Mr. Anchaly Luy. 

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