[act-ma] Energy (and Other) Events Corrections

George Mokray gmoke at world.std.com
Mon Feb 4 17:21:56 PST 2013

Sorry for these mistakes.

The correct time for this event on Tuesday is 4pm:

"Turkey's Globally Important Biodiversity in Crisis"
Tuesday, February 5, 2013 - 4:00pm
Contact Name:  Lisa Matthews
matthew at fas.harvard.edu
Haller Hall (Geo Museum 102), 24 Oxford Street 1st floor, Cambridge

The place for this event on Friday has changed to MIT Building E-25:

Leveraging the Power of Anchor Institutions to Build Community Wealth: A Community Forum. 
Friday, February 8
MIT, Building E25-111, 45 Carleton Street, Cambridge
More information: http://events.mit.edu/event.html?id=14993134
Speakers: Pretty much everyone at MIT and elsewhere: Danya Cunningham (MIT Community Innovators Lab), Adele Naude Santos (Dean, SA+P), J. Phillip Thompson (DUSP), Ted Howard (UMD), Hon. Frank G. Jackson (Mayor of Cleveland), Thomas F. Zenty III (CEO University Hospitals), Steven D. Standley (CAO, University Hospitals), Don Graves (US Treasury Department), Philip Clay (DUSP), Xavier de Souza Briggs (DUSP), Rebecca Henderson (HBS), Thomas Kochan (Sloan, ESD)
Abstract: Release of MIT-University of Maryland Case Study on Cleveland’s University Hospitals Vision 2010 Program

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