[act-ma] For ACT-MA: Feb. 25, Deepening Crisis in the Middle East: Syria, Iran and Israel/Palestine

Duncan McFarland mcfarland13 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 12:07:50 PST 2013

     Deepening Crisis in the Middle East: Syria, Iran and Israel/Palestine

*Monday, February 25, 2013, 7:00 pm
Boston University, CAS Room 211
725 Commonwealth Ave., Boston
BU Central T - Green Line "B"*

What are the prospects for war and peace in 2013? Will the civil war in
Syria  engulf the region or die down? What is the effect of economic
sanctions in Iran and the situation of Iranian women? How will political
shifts in Israel and Palestine affect the overall environment and what is
the emerging US role?

Speakers will feature reportback and analysis.

*[image: Mohamad al Bardan, Alex Shams, and Alice Rothchild]*

*Mohamad al Bardan* was born in Damascus and studied electronics and
communications engineering at the University of Kalamoon.  He participated
in the nonviolent Syrian revolution from the beginning which included
protests of 20 to 20,000 people. Mohamad left Syria in Sept. 2011 to
continue his studies at Northeastern University and has remained active
politically, helping found the Syrian Nonviolent Movement organization.  He
works with the Syrian community in Boston to promote awareness about Syria
and other projects.  Mohamad believes in the nonviolent struggle for self

*Alex Shams *is an Iranian-American graduate student of Middle Eastern
studies at Harvard. He has been active in Palestinian rights activism for
years, both in the United States and in Lebanon. His academic research
focuses on gender in Islamic political movements, and he recently returned
from Iran where he was researching women's experiences of expanded access
to higher education since the 1979 Revolution.  Shams is the editor of Ajam
Media Collective (AjamMC.com), a site focused on society and culture in
modern Iran and Central Asia.

*Alice Rothchild *is a physician, author, activist, and filmmaker.  She
practices gynecology at Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates and is an
Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School.  She has been active in
women’s reproductive rights and health care reform, and turned her focus to
the Israel/Palestine conflict in 1997. She is on the steering committees of
American Jews for a Just Peace – Boston and Jewish Voice for Peace –
Boston. She is the author of *Broken Promises, Broken Dreams: Stories of
Jewish and Palestinian Trauma and Resilience.  *Her documentary, *Voices
Across the Divide*, will be released this summer, 2013.

Presentations will be followed by ample time for discussion.

Donation $5 requested, no one turned away

Sponsored by United for Justice with Peace and the Boston University
Anti-War Coalition.

United for Justice with Peace <http://justicewithpeace.org/> is a coalition
of peace and justice organizations and community peace groups in the
Greater Boston region. The UJP Coalition, formed after September 11th,
seeks global peace through social and economic justice.

*Help us continue to do this critical work! Make a donation to UJP

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