[act-ma] Call for Submissions – The Cradle of Liberty

Mass Struggles cradleoflibertynews at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 17:02:26 PST 2013

Call for Submissions – The Cradle of Liberty

 *Please Forward Widely*

The Cradle of Liberty, a bi-monthly newspaper published by the Cradle of
Liberty Collective, is looking for news articles, editorials, short essays,
and event announcements relevant to the Massachusetts working class
community. We ask that all articles for the first issue, to be released in
April, be submitted by March 16th. Send them to:

CradleofLibertyNews at gmail.com

 Formal institutions, from the media to political parties to schools, work
to disengage us from politics, to turn us into spectators and not actors,
and to stifle discussion about issues that affect us. The aim of *The
Cradle of Liberty* is to engage working class people, connect communities,
promote struggles against oppression and injustice, and encourage open

 We want stories that highlight successes of people who are fighting
injustices in the community, labor groups struggling for fair compensation
and treatment, and people who act for the benefit of their neighbors. We
want articles that reveal the inequities in the system and promote the
people who are working to correct them.

 We are for people having a direct say in the organizations making
decisions about their lives. We want everyone to be part of the
decision-making process in decisions that affect them and their communities.

 If this sounds appealing to you and you would like to submit an article or
would like to get involved in any other way, then please get in touch. If
you cannot submit content, we are also looking for financial support in
publishing this free paper.

 For the first issue, we ask that all articles be submitted by March 16th.

 Contact us as CradleofLibertyNews at gmail.com
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