[act-ma] March Songs of struggle and solidarity

Irving Kurki ikurki2 at verizon.net
Wed Mar 6 05:54:20 PST 2013


Let's sing together (or solo if you wish).  Bring your songs.  Bring your
instrument.  Ballads from the Occupy.  Songs of the workers.  Songs of the
people rising around the world.  Proletarian Songs.  Songs of the 99%.
Class struggle songs.  Activist and protest songs.  Songs that carry
messages.   Create culture.  If you have a copy of 'The IWW Songbook' bring
it along.

Saturday, March 16, 2013 at the Democracy Center 45 Mount Auburn, Cambridge,
MA  at 3 p.m.

For more information: songs of struggle 1-617-731-8725


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