[act-ma] Thursday 3/21: "Roadmap to Apartheid" - Free UPandOUT film screening

pf soto pfsoto at mynas.com
Tue Mar 5 18:23:34 PST 2013

  /Roadmap to Apartheid

Showing Thursday, March 21st, in Cambridge [please download distribute & 

This award-winning documentary takes a detailed look at the apartheid 
analogy commonly used to describe the Israeli policy of discrimination 
towards Palestinians.

Narrated by Alice Walker (author of The Color Purple), *Roadmap to 
Apartheid* is as much a historical document of the rise and fall of 
apartheid in South Africa, as it is a film about why many Palestinians 
feel they are living in an apartheid system today, and why an increasing 
number of people around the world agree with them.

The film compares the many similar laws and tools used by both Israel 
and apartheid-era South Africa. The audience will see what life is like 
for Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and inside Israel. 
Combined with archival material and anecdotes from South Africans, the 
film forms a complete picture as to why the analogy is being used with 
increasing frequency and potency.

Materials available, including the new pamphlet /*Israel's Worldwide 
Role in Repression*/, by IJAN [International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network].

//"*Roadmap to Apartheid*/is a harrowing expose of Israel's unique 
system of official discrimination./" ~Naomi Klein

"*Roadmap to Apartheid*/demonstrates for all to see that the use of the 
term ~apartheid' to describe the system of Israeli oppression of the 
Palestinians ...accurately describes a system condemned by the 
international community ... Not only does it elevate the viewer's 
understanding of the system of Israeli oppression, but it inspires the 
viewer to want to act in solidarity with the Palestinian people/." ~ 
Bill Fletcher, Former President of TransAfrica Forum

"/Children have been shot in other conflicts I have covered, but never 
before have I watched as soldiers enticed children like mice into a trap 
and murdered them for sport./"  ~ Christopher Hedges, American 
Journalist on assignment in Gaza

"/Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in 
China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass 
expulsions among the Arabs of the territories/." ~ Benyamin Netanyahu, 
then Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister, former Prime Minister of Israel, 
speaking to students at Bar Ilan University, from the Israeli journal 
Hotam, November 24, 1989

"/We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, 
and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab 
population./" ~Yisrael Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum"

"/The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate 
...somewhere around 80 percent of the senate of the United States is 
completely in support of Israel -- of anything Israel wants./"  ~ 
Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator William 
Fullbright, 10/07/1973 on CBS' "Face the Nation"

"/The Capitol Hill is an Israeli occupied territory/". -- Patrick 
Buchanan (St. Louis Dispatch, 10/20/1990)

"/I've never seen a president --I don't care who he is-- stand up to 
[the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they 
want. The Israelis know what's going on all the time. I got to the point 
where I wasn't writing anything down. If the American people understood 
what grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in 
arms. Our citizens don't have any idea what goes on./" ~Admiral Thomas 
Moorer of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (See Washington Report 12/1999, 
p.124 quoting from Andrew Hurley's book, "One Nation Under Israel")

doors open 6:40; film starts promptly 7pm
243 Broadway, Cambridge - corner of Broadway and Windsor,
entrance on Windsor
rule19.org/videos <http://rule19.org/videos>

Please join us for a stimulating night out; bring your friends!
*free film, free refreshments, & free door prizes.**
**[donations are encouraged]*

"/You can't legislate good will - that comes through education/." ~ 
Malcolm X

*UPandOUT film series* - see rule19.org/videos <http://rule19.org/videos>

Why should YOU care? It's YOUR money that pays for US/Israeli wars - on 
Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine, Libya. Syria, Iran, So America, etc 
etc - for billionaire bailouts, for ever more ubiquitous US prisons, for 
the loss of liberty and civil rights...

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