[act-ma] Sat Apr 20 Noon Tree Planting Ceremony 2nd anniversary of Human Rights City Boston & Beyond

David Rolde davidrolde at comcast.net
Tue Apr 16 17:23:12 PDT 2013

Media Advisory 

Second Anniversary of Human Rights City Boston & Beyond. 

April 20, 2013 

On April 20, 2013, Boston will be celebrating the second anniversary of Boston Council passing a resolution proclaiming Boston a Human Rights City. There will be a tree planting ceremony representing the growth Boston has made since becoming a Human Rights City. The seed planted two years ago has been branching out and has become Human Rights City & Beyond. As this tree grows, so can Boston becoming a strong model for Human Rights by using the language of Human Rights to claim and defend them for all. 

What does this mean to residents of Boston? We pray for the victims and their families of the Boston Marathon tragedy, Boston is a city of hope we have a bigger mission in being a Human Rights City, we will survive to create a world we can all live in with peace and equality with human rights for all. According to Dottie Stevens, a founder of Human Rights City Boston, Boston is one of 5 cities in North America: Edmonton, Canada (est. 2003) Wash., D.C. (est. 2008), Chapel Hill & Carrborro, N.C. (est. 2009), and Pittsburgh, Pa (est. 2011). There are approximately 30 Human Rights Cities worldwide. These are cities whose residents learn about the relevance of human rights in their daily lives and join in learning, discussions and critical thinking at the community level to pursue ideas and joint planning of actions to realize economic, political, civil, environmental and cultural human rights. Human Rights City Boston & Beyond is dedicated to Boston residents for enlightenment and to feel ownership of the UDHR (see attached) and the empowerment to care for ourselves and others and realize another way of life is possible. 

Frederick Douglass, a fugitive slave, became a well-known writer and passionate speaker on the vicious inhumanity of slavery by using his personal experience as a slave. From the mid to late 1800’s, he was a leader in the Abolitionist movement. He encouraged people to get involved in the “struggle”, earning the title “Father of the protest movement”. 

Chaun Renaud of Survivors, Inc. (a Boston antipoverty organization) stated, “There are possibilities of growth springing forward, a rebirth with new energy for the infusing of Human Rights for every citizen of the Commonwealth. 

Where : Peace Garden, Frederick Douglass Sq., 998 Tremont St., Roxbury 

When : April 20, 2013-Noon 

Who : Speakers include Boston City Councilor Charles Yancey, Mel King, Jenny Martin (Results), Roxanne Reddington Wilde, Nataka S. Crayton-Walker, Pres. United Neighbors of Lower Roxbury, Frederick Douglass Peace Garden, Grace Ross, Coordinator Mass Alliance Against Predatory Lending, Author Main St. Smarts, Co-founder Economic Human Rights Project, Doumafis Lafontan, Artist & Poet. 

Sponsored by Human Rights City Boston & Beyond and Frederick Douglass Peace Garden 

Contact: Dottie Stevens: masswelf at aol.com (617) 298-7311 

Debbie Ferretti: tegwencollins at aol.com (781) 803-0497
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