[act-ma] Do you often get stuck in conversations? 5/6 Art of the Schmooze SoJust skillshare

send2robbie at gmail.com send2robbie at gmail.com
Tue Apr 23 14:32:14 PDT 2013

<div dir="ltr"><p style="margin:0px 0px  
style="font-family:inherit">Hi fellow activists and  
organizers,</span></p><p style="margin:0px 0px  
<span style="font-family:inherit">Do you often get stuck in conversations?  
Not know how to approach people at networking events?</span> <strong  
style="font-family:inherit;display:inline">Join Socializing for Justice for  
a <em style="font-weight:normal">fast-paced,</em> <em  
style="font-weight:normal">fun & interactive</em> Skillshare on the Art  
of the Schmooze on May 6th, 6:00 - 8:30 PM.</strong></p>
<p style="margin:0px 0px  
style="">SoJust hosts events that draw progressives of all stripes that  
share common values but may work on different issues. We host monthly  
socials that allow for the possibility of cross-issue connections and run a  
monthly Skillshare Series, hosted by The NonProfit Center*, which increases  
our individual capacity for movement building.</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px 0px  
style="">SCHEDULE <br>6:00-6:30 Socializing -  <strong  
style="display:inline;font-family:inherit">bring your own  
6:30-8:30 Training and Q&A</span></p><p style="margin:0px 0px  
style=""><strong style="display:inline;font-family:inherit">Fee: $10-$20  
(sliding scale) is split with the trainer.</strong><br>
<strong style="display:inline;font-family:inherit"><span  
style="font-family:inherit;color:rgb(255,0,0)">Limited space - register  
ahead of time:</span> <a href="http://www.sojust.org/"  
Credit cards accepted online. Cash only at the door (if space  
available).<br><em>Newcomers always welcomed!</em></span></p><p  
style="margin:0px 0px  
<span style=""> </span></p><p style="margin:0px 0px  
style="">SoJust's Co-Founder, Robbie Samuels, who is well known for his  
schmoozing skills, is this month's trainer.<br>
</em></p><p style="margin:0px 0px  
style=""><strong style="display:inline;font-family:inherit">Art of the  
Forming and cultivating relationships is at the heart of any successful  
fundraising campaign, volunteer drive, committee effort or community  
building activity. This training will give you the confidence to pursue  
your personal goals - from the importance of shaking hands and making eye  
contact, to tips on the best opening line and how to exit a conversation  
gracefully. An amazing side benefit is that you'll learn how to create  
a welcoming community space by keeping an eye out for outliers, considering  
yourself a host instead of a guest and knowing how to compliment someone  
without "othering" them.</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px 0px  
style=""> </span></p><p style="margin:0px 0px  
<span style="">ABOUT OUR PRESENTER <br><strong  
style="display:inline;font-family:inherit">Robbie Samuels</strong> has  
extensive community organizing, events logistics and fundraising  
experience. In 2006 he co-founded Socializing for Justice to build a  
cross-cultural, cross-issue progressive community, network and movement in  
Boston based on the philosophy of abundance. He is the Senior Manager of  
Events and Donor Engagement at Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders  
(GLAD). On the side he offers trainings and consultation to non-profit  
boards, venture capitalists and grassroots organizers. In 2011, Boston City  
Council named his birthday, September 16, "Robbie Samuels Day".  
Learn more about his trainings, including: Art of the Schmooze,  
Fundraising: Getting Past the Fear of Asking, Suicide Prevention Training  
for Community Leaders, at <a href="http://www.robbiesamuels.com/"  
<p style="margin:0px 0px  
style="font-family:inherit;font-size:small">Check out his <a  
target="_blank">testimonials</a> - including this one:  
style="font-family:inherit;font-size:small">Robbie's Art of the  
Schmooze training totally blew me away. First of all, it must be said--  
Robbie is VERY FUNNY. In fact, the workshop felt almost more like a comedy  
show than a skill-building workshop. It was awesome. Apart from being  
highly engaging, Robbie was also insightful, informative and wonderfully  
practical. As someone who often has trouble getting out of dead  
conversations, I felt like I came out of the workshop with concrete  
strategies for how to wrap up and end a conversation BEFORE it dies. On the  
flip side, Robbie also has a number of great stock comments/questions to  
help keep conversations from prematurely dying. Now, I consider myself an  
extrovert but it is still extremely helpful to get such a clear explanation  
of what kinds of questions help deepen connections, and which kinds of  
questions one should avoid. From handshakes, to body stances, to where to  
keep your business cards, Robbie knows the ins and outs of how to make  
connections and keep them. I got so much out of this workshop. I only wish  
I could sit through it again (and again and again...)." ~Beck  
<p style="margin:0px 0px  
style=""><strong style="display:inline;font-family:inherit">*  <a  
target="_blank">DIRECTIONS</a> - The NonProfit Center</strong> is located  
one block from South Station at 89 South Street. The Center is physically  
accessible through the main lobby. <br>
______________________________<WBR>___________________________ <br><strong  
style="display:inline;font-family:inherit">Socializing for Justice - <a  
Since 2006, we've been building this great sandbox where we can bring  
progressives of all stripes together and try out new ideas in this  
"Movement Moment". Spaces like this are crucial as we start to  
reframe and build new visions for our movement(s).</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px 0px  
style="">With over 2250 members and almost 7 years of creating a diverse  
cross-issue community in Boston (140+ events!), Socializing for Justice is  
the best place to find the great people, organizations and community  
you're looking for while putting the SOCIAL back in social  
<p style="margin:0px 0px  
style=""><strong style="display:inline;font-family:inherit">YES, WE MEAN  
YOU.</strong> We've got members of all ages, races, genders, sexual  
orientations, levels of activism and professions. We hope you see someone  
like yourself and meet someone you otherwise wouldn't have.</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px 0px  
style=""><strong style="display:inline;font-family:inherit">Want to know  
more about SoJust?</strong> Check out our  <a  
target="_blank">Frequently Asked Questions</a> and  <a  
target="_blank">past event photos</a>!</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px 0px  
style=""> </span></p></div>
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