[act-ma] Sat May 4: Vigil and picket for Bangladeshi workers killed in the April 25th Rana factory collapse - Harvard Sq, 4-5pm

pf soto pfsoto at mynas.com
Wed May 1 23:36:55 PDT 2013


Vigil & Picket
For Bangladeshi workers killed in the April 25th Rana factory collapse

Saturday, May 4th
Harvard Square

4:00: Vigil at Harvard Sq. T Station (Pit)

4:30: Picket outside Gap store (15 Brattle St. Cambridge)

As of April 28 over 350 workers are confirmed dead and more than a 
thousand are trapped in the rubble of concrete
slabs for over four days in the aftermath of a garment factory building 
collapse in Bangladesh.

Since the early 1990s, more than a thousand people, mostly teenage 
girls, lost their lives in different
garment factories in Bangladesh from fire, collapse of factory 
buildings, secret killing by goons or in
police shootings. These crimes recur with rising death tolls.

Join us to express your thoughts, sorrow and outrage at the ongoing 
tragedy. Is the global supply
chain that enforces work in the cheapest conditions responsible for 
these tragedies? Is there
connivance between Bangladesh government and the factory owners? Do we 
as consumers have
a role? We will also picket outside Gap to pressurize it to join the 
Bangladesh Fire and Building
Safety Agreement to make immediate safety improvements in supplier 
factories. Gap is one of the
global retailers (along with Walmart) that refuse to sign this agreement.

The Alliance for a Secular and Democratic South Asia co-sponsors this 
event with groups including

Massachusetts Interfaith Worker Justice, International Labor Rights 
Forum and MA Jobs with Justice. To

be part of the campaign please write to workersNov25 at gmail.com 
<mailto:workersNov25 at gmail.com>.

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