[act-ma] 06/14 Radical Puppetry at the Democracy Center w/ Erik Ruin and Maryann Colella (Fri)

Luis Edgardo Cotto luis.cotto at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 07:22:26 PDT 2013

*06/14 Radical Puppetry at the Democracy Center w/ Erik Ruin and Maryann
Colella (Fri)

One Touch Of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin*

*One Touch Of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin* is a table-top toy theater
show by Erik Ruin and Maryann Colella concerning disasters and the organic
mutual aid efforts/networks which arise in their wake. Amongst other
examples, we focus on the Halifax ship explosion of 1917, the largest
man-made explosion before the invention of the atom bomb. The show
incorporates sprawling silk-screened graphics come to life, toy
instruments, tape-deck sound effects and text from Rebecca Solnit's book *A
Paradise Built In Hell*.

*Erik Ruin* is a printmaker, shadow-puppeteer, founding member of the
Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative, and co-creator of the recent book Paths
Toward Utopia: Graphic Explorations of Everyday Anarchism (w/ Cindy
Milstein, PM Press, 2012). For more on his work, see http://

*Maryann Colella* is a puppeteer, dancer, mask-maker and street-theater
instigator who has been working with The Bread & Puppet Theater for the
past 7 years, and has also collaborated with All the Saints Theater
Company, Royal Frog Ballet, the Boston Radical Arts Troupe, Deep In the
Belly, the Puppeteers Cooperative and Agua Sol Y Soreno.

*One Touch Of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin
*w/ Erik Ruin and Maryann Colella
*Friday, June 14 • 7pm*
The Democracy Center
45 Mt Auburn Street
Harvard Square • Cambridge

Luis E. Cotto | http://about.me/luiscotto

*~ "Pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living." -- *Mother Jones
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