[act-ma] CME: CSG Thurs. June 13 @ 7p

Sandra Rosen sar8 at verizon.net
Wed Jun 5 06:59:19 PDT 2013

China Study Group

Date: Thursday, June 13
Time:  7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Place: Center for Marxist Education, 550 Mass. Ave, 2nd floor,  
Central Square in Cambridge (near Central Sq. T red line)

China's President Xi Jinping and US President Obama hold summit  
meeting in California: review and analysis

China's Xi Jinping is visiting the US the first week in June soon  
after assuming China's highest offices.  An informal summit will be  
held in California; the sooner than anticipated meeting creates some  
optimism for improvement in relations in an atmosphere of US charges  
of Chinese cyberattacks and Chinese concerns about the US "pivot"  
strategy of encirclement.  The China Study Group will review Xi's  
visit to the US and assess the results and impact and US/China  

Upcoming event:

"Lessons of Palestine"
Speaker:  Wadi'h Halabi
Sat. June 22 @ 3 p.m.

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