[act-ma] URGENT Pedophile Alert

Sexual Predator Protection SexualPredatorProtection at paztaoshemina.net
Fri Jun 14 17:15:08 PDT 2013

Child Predator Alert


Unsub- http://www.paztaoshemina.net/1269/96/200/856/1771.12tt62895562AAF10.html

 shown Israeli military and civilian leaders secret Air Force video 
of an earlier version of the bomb hitting its target, according to 
diplomats who spoke to the newspaper. In the video, the weapon penetrating 
the ground within inches of its target, then detonates underground, according 
to people who have seen the footage.The new and improved MOP, has 
adjusted fuses to maximize its burrowing power, upgraded guidance systems 
to improve its precision and high-tech equipment intended to allow it to 
evade Iranian air defenses in order to reach and destroy the Fordow 
nuclear enrichment complex, which is buried under a mountain near the Iranian 
city of Qom. The upgraded MOP designed for Fordow hasn't been dropped 
from a plane yet.Iran's Fordow Uranium Enrichment Facility, built under 
a mountain near the city of Qom, has long been seen as 
a nearly impenetrable target using conventional weapons. In January 2012, 
U.S. officials said didn't think their largest bomb could penetrate the 
bunker where centrifuges enrich the material needed for nuclear bombs.According 
to the website of defense contractor and maker Boeing, the MOP includes 
a GPS navigation system and more than 5,300 pounds of explosives. It 
measures 20 feet long and is designed specifically to attack hardened concrete 
bunkers and tunnel facilities.In March, Pentagon officials are spoke publicly 
about the MOP bombs, which are from Boeing and designed to fit 
exclusively with the B-2 and 
The White House budget office is recalculating how to apply automatic spending 
cuts for a handful of agencies, freeing up almost $4 billion for 
the Pentagon and another $1 billion or so for Homeland Security Department 
and NASA.Capitol Hill aides familiar with the White House changes say the 
administration has identified almost $5 billion in cuts that can be restored 
under its reading of the arcane budget rules governing the across-the-board 
cuts, known as sequestration. The calculations would restore $5 billion 
of the scheduled $85 billion in automatic sequestration cuts.An administration 
official confirmed the calculations Friday but declined to comment further 
because the process is ongoing. The official and congressional aides spoke 
on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the 
changes publicly.The move comes amid increasing public pressure to find 
ways to lessen the impact of sequestration. Federal agencies are warning 
that the mandatory cuts could mean cutbacks in services. Last week, Congress 
passed and President Obama signed legislation giving the Federal Aviation 
Administration the ability to avoid furloughs that were causing flight delays 
by tapping money in other accounts.The cuts officially began in March after 
Congress and Obama could not reach an agreement on a broader budget 
deal. The automatic cuts had been imposed under a hard-fought 2011 debt 
and budget pact.The cuts have so far failed to live
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