[act-ma] FW: Fwd: CPE SI: The Care Economy - Aug. 4-10, 2013

Weinstock, Hannah Hannah_Weinstock at hks14.harvard.edu
Wed Jun 26 18:44:28 PDT 2013

Hi, I wanted to pass on the below opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of economics from a social justice perspective.  I did the institute a couple years ago, and it was excellent.


Hannah Weinstock


Masters in Public Policy Candidate

Harvard Kennedy School

Class of 2014


The Care Economy - CPE  2013 Summer Institute

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  *   Schedule at a glance
  *   Workshops and speakers
  *   Location and facilities
  *   Fees
  *   Accommodation and meals
  *   Transportation

2012 Summer Institute, Columbia University, NYC - small group exercise

2011 Popular Economics Institute at Smith College, Northampton, MA

2010 Popular Economics Institute at the Highlander Center, TN

2009 Summer Institute, World Fellowship Center, NH
Field trip and class at Bretton Woods

2013 Summer Institute

The Care Economy:
Building a Just Economy with a Heart
August 4-10
Hampshire College, Amherst, MA
Co-sponsored by:    Civil Liberties & Public Policy<http://populareconomics.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=f72cd436ff7782c299dc85d53&id=1fa09fc2c5&e=1e26187393>, Caring Across Generations<http://populareconomics.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=f72cd436ff7782c299dc85d53&id=b265ff7884&e=1e26187393> and Center for Women's Global Leadership<http://populareconomics.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=f72cd436ff7782c299dc85d53&id=e5788ffc8e&e=1e26187393>

Each year, we choose an issue area that we focus on in the workshops and plenary sessions as well as in the core classrooms.  This year we will explore the Care Economy.
Care work such as child rearing, elder care, cooking, cleaning and  is essential to the health and well being of our society and economy.  In the U.S. we undervalue and under invest in care provision.  Our Care Economy special track will provide activists with strategic and analytical tools to articulate and organize for investment in the care economy.
Sample topics:

  *   the attack on reproductive rights and analysis of economic impact on women.
  *   care labor - making it visible, valued and adequately supported.
  *   attack or lack of resources in support of care work - paid family leave, tax policies, childcare, Social Security, healthcare, etc.
  *   economic factors in violence against women, trafficking.
  *   responses and solutions

CPE’s Summer Institute
CPE’s Summer Institute is a week-long intensive training in economics for activists, educators, media makers, and anyone who wants a better understanding of how the economy works. Our trainings are highly participatory and build on the knowledge and experience of our participants. No background in economics is necessary.
Core Classrooms
At the heart of the Summer Institute program are two core courses which meet all morning each day. All participants must choose one core course.
Participants have described these courses as “inspiring, intense, stimulating, and comprehensive.”
The U.S. Economy/ Topics include
»     Roots of the economic meltdown and solutions
»     Speculation, finance and housing bubbles
»     Economy, race, class and gender
»     Economic histories – from personal to global
»     Labor and jobs
»     Democratizing the Federal Reserve and banks.
»     Economic alternatives, socialism and the solidarity economy
The International Economy/ Topics include
»     Roots of the economic meltdown and solutions
»     Brief history of the global economy
»     International trade, production and finance
»     The IMF, World Bank, WTO
»     Global climate change and the environment
»     Creating a new world economy
Afternoon & evening events:
In addition to the core courses there will be afternoon workshops, films, evening plenaries, cultural events, and a local tour of economic alternatives. These events are free and open to the public.
Who attends the Summer Institute?
The Institute draws a diverse group of participants from across the U.S. and around the world, with a wide range of interests and expertise. On average, a third of our participants are people of color, two-thirds are women, a fifth are from outside of the U.S., and the ages of participants range from 18-80 years. Together, we form a lively community in which we learn as much from the rich interaction with one another as from the Institute programs.

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