[act-ma] 7/24 Errol Flynn and The Truth About The Cuban Revolution @ Lucy Parsons (7:00pm)

Luis Edgardo Cotto luis.cotto at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 08:25:59 PDT 2013

Mi Gente,

Radical Film Night: The Truth About Fidel Castro Revolution (1959)

Lucy Parsons Center

358A Center Street • Jamaica Plain

*Wednesday, July 24 • 7:00pm* • *FREE*

Presented by The Center without Walls

*note: The film is 50mins long in ENGLISH w/ no sub-titles*

Lucy Parsons Calendar
(http://lucyparsons.org/calendar.php?action=event&eventid=1412 )

Center Without Walls (http://www.centerwithoutwalls.org/?p=869 )

In an office setting, American actor Errol Flynn advocates the political
 aims of Cuba's new leader, Fidel Castro. After explaining that he
traveled over 1,000 kilometers, from Havana to Santiago, to meet Castro
in person, Flynn narrates over silent documentary footage: Fulgencio
Batista, who overtook the Cuban government by means of a coup,
participates in a military parade as a show of force.  In Havana, Flynn
visits the Casino de Capri, the opulence of which is contrasted with the
 poverty-stricken countryside.

 The rebel cause strengthens after Castro returns from exile in Mexico
with eighty-one followers. Castro and his surviving fighters then hike
into the Sierra Maestra mountains to build their forces and keep
Batista's army at bay. It is there that Flynn meets with Castro, as
documented in several still photographs, and is presented with a scarf
by a female rebel fighter. The aftermath of Batista's assault on the
village of Santa Clara, bombed to prevent the advance of Castro's army,
is depicted, followed by scenes of the surviving villagers' warm welcome
 of Castro's forces, revolutionary leader Che Guevara, and executions of
 Batista's informants. Castro's victory also results in the return of
Cuban exiles.

The film closes with Flynn reading from a card sent by Castro, in which
the Cuban leader invites viewers to visit his country, where "freedom,
democracy and all of the things that men live by are a reality."

Peace and aché,


Luis E. Cotto | http://about.me/luiscotto

*~ "Pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living." -- *Mother Jones
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