[act-ma] Energy Rally in Worcester, 7/29

Joel Wool joelwool at gmail.com
Fri Jul 26 07:10:44 PDT 2013

Going Green and Saving Green: Why Energy Efficiency Makes $ense for
Worcester and the State
Monday, July 29th, 6pm
Southeast Asian Coalition, 484 Main Street (Denholm Bldg), Suite 400,
Worcester, MA

Did you know you already pay for energy efficiency work through utility

Together we pay billions into this system, but too many people don’t get
the lower energy bills, jobs and environmental benefits that home
efficiency provides. Come find out why it makes sense to do this work in
your home and how you can make it happen–in your community and for all
communities statewide.

A new program in other city and towns makes efficiency affordable for
regular folks– but what about Worcester? Come out and meet your neighbors,
city officials and local workers. With one voice, we can all share in these

Attendees will also see the FIRST glimpse of Building a Brighter Day, a
major new report by Community Labor United documenting advances resulting
from the 5-year Green Justice Campaign. These advances are bringing
incredible benefits to the Commonwealth.

Sponsored by Clean Water Action, Regional Environmental Council, Worcester
Energy Barnraisers, Worcester Roots, City of Worcester and the Green
Justice Coalition.

Joel Wool
C: (978)697-0361
E: joelwool at gmail.com

Twitter: @JoelWool <http://twitter.com/#!/JoelWool>
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