[act-ma] 10/5, 10/19: Upcoming Protests at Bath Iron Works, ME [christening" of the Navy's first Zumwalt class "stealth" destroyer on 10/19]

pf soto pfsoto at mynas.com
Sat Sep 7 14:48:40 PDT 2013

    Upcoming Protests at BIW


There are going to be two protests at Bath Iron Works (BIW) here in 
Maine during the month of October.  The first will be on Saturday, 
October 5 from 11:30 am to 12:30.  That vigil will be part of Keep Space 
for Peace Week <http://www.space4peace.org/> and will be held on 
Washington Street in Bath.

The second, and likely larger protest, will be held on Saturday, October 
19 during the "christening" of the Navy's first Zumwalt class "stealth" 
destroyer, DDG-1000. This protest will come at the end of the Maine 
Drone Peace Walk and will be from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and will be held 
on the corner of Washington Street and Hinckley Street. Just across the 
street from this spot many people will be lining up to enter BIW for the 
"christening" ceremony. Yes indeed it is a sacrilege and presumptuous to 
give the blessing of Christ (the Prince of Peace) to a first-strike 
killing warship.
Long-time noted peace and justice activist Kathy Kelly will be on the 
last couple of days of the walk and will speak at the BIW protest.
The /Associated Press/ has reported,  ?A super-stealthy destroyer that 
could underpin the U.S. Navy?s China strategy will be able to sneak up 
on coastlines virtually undetected and pound targets with 
electromagnetic ?rail guns? right out of a sci-fi movie.Using electric 
pulses, not chemical explosives, the ?rail gun? can shoot a 40-pound 
metal slug from New York to Philadelphia at up to 5,600 mph ? more than 
seven times the speed of sound ? with 32 times the force of a car 
traveling at 100 miles per hour."

The new stealthy DDG-1000 being built by General Dynamics in Bath will 
cost between $4-7 billion each.The Navy did not actually want the 
destroyer because it would eat up too much of their shipbuilding 
budget.But the Obama administration, which was strongly supported in his 
run for president in 2008 by the Chicago-based Crown family (which are 
majority stockholders in General Dynamics), has insisted the ships be built.

Previous versions of Navy destroyers, outfitted with ?missile defense? 
systems cost about$1.5 billion each.

These protests will be sponsored by Maine Veterans for Peace, the 
Smilin' Trees Disarmament Farm, Maine Campaign to Bring Our War $$ Home, 
CodePink Maine, and the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power 
in Space.
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 443-9502
globalnet at mindspring.com <mailto:globalnet at mindspring.com>
www.space4peace.org <http://www.space4peace.org>
http://space4peace.blogspot.com/ (blog)

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