[act-ma] Wed Sept 25 at 5:30: Leland Cheung's 2013 Campaign Kickoff at Park Restaurant

Leland Cheung contact at electleland.org
Thu Sep 19 13:17:12 PDT 2013

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Leland Cheung's 2013 Campaign Kickoff Event!

Wed Sept 25, 5:30, Park Restaurant in Harvard Square


I hope you'll be able to join me for my 2013 campaign kickoff event on Wednesday, September 25 at 5:30 PM. As we gear up for a grueling fall campaign season, I look forward to reconnecting at PARK Restaurant and Bar, located at 59 JFK Street in Harvard Square. There's a lot to celebrate - including the birth of my first daughter, Lela - so the more, the merrier! Click here ( https://www.facebook.com/events/233120826844272/ ) to view the Facebook event and click here ( https://docs.google.com/a/electleland.org/forms/d/1ircIwTVfs67ITUtyGkUepLng9voAgM0Cv2Gqe2ZDfjA/viewform ) to RSVP. As always, any support ( https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/lelandcheung ) you can provide is much appreciated.


Can't Attend?

Can't attend our kickoff? Please consider helping the campaign in any or all of these ways. We could really use your help as this an extraordinarily competitive election this year!

To unsubscribe, please click here ( http://pmail.electleland.org/wf/unsubscribe?upn=eLTJEjBPgHikg0BMPy1oUuCh9yhGeJgul5upyB50cTgtKTQnlyRX9kbBiQyNKFHSQGA9Je6n745YnG92f91eRhmE32i2jIGvvboTmcMf4Af7GvsgAN3d8uTjv3Q6trotuJshRXrA-2By3YaxUMdb7B6RS0LWfrU4gnFwLqAzDyGeWAznmsOgZ19-2BdLrsdhIvjnAfP-2FnLdWQQQLQWMItghus5i-2FbVOmOjTgKEGM8qWIK3nj8pDHZwv3MOQVaQOEDe7Mf2zC01ZBMzkAKNmaFVgcTSD9-2BGmvUXTW8ZzUxTJ7ZRjAleJ1hf5HmFXIwKGS19XjCokEq-2B3om1-2FRDfEFYtpk9y9Xhe-2FvKhwObs0qQgq7NNLlZHlA5Bz2-2FJPRLVniLqzFupgarVsaSPYwOY4Wf1lwcg-3D-3D ).

Committee to Elect Leland Cheung
Cell: (617) 444-9080
Email: Leland at ElectLeland.org
157 Garden Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts
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