[act-ma] 10/25 Mass Incarcerations, Mass Deportations & Mass Surveillance

Suren Moodliar suren at fairjobs.org
Tue Oct 22 04:19:51 PDT 2013

Free & Open to the Public - Friday, October 25, 2013, 7:00 p.m.
Lesley University, Doble Campus, Wolford House, 34 Mellen St.,Cambridge, MA

NOTE: Friday's opening plenary and Saturday's keynote presentation are free
and open to the public; participation in the workshops and remaining
plenaries requires registration (nobody turned away for lack of funds).

UNFREEDOM! Digital Technology in the Service of the National Security State
and the Prison-Industrial Complex

This plenary demonstrates the scope of surveillance and monitoring but also
sketches out the hard edge that extends beyond passive surveillance to
active censorship, mass incarcerations, & mass deportations. The legal and
technological underpinnings of these practices will also be surfaced.

Speakers include:

Kade Crockford (ALCU MA)
Alfredo Lopez (May First - People Link, NYC)
Gregg Housh (Anonymous)
Ragini Shah (Suffolk Law)
Ibrahim Abdul-Matin

Our plenary facilitator is John Marshall.

This plenary opens at 7:00 p.m. on Friday evening, October 25, 2013


For more details about the _full_ conference, visit

Conference Organizers:
e5/Mass. Global Action
Open Media Boston
TecsChange: Technology for Social Change
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