[act-ma] Oppose attacks on immigrants Friday 11/22

Boston Militant Labor Forum bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 19 05:13:02 PST 2013

Militant Forum presents:
Fight to
Unify the Working Class
Oppose the
attacks on immigrants
from the Dominican Republic to Greece to the US
Friday, November 22, 7:00 pm
13 Bennington St., 2nd floor, East Boston
·       Haitian-descended residents of Dominican Republic stripped of
citizenship by high court.
·       Golden Dawn, a fascist
group in Greece,
is leading attacks on immigrants.
·       Under the Obama
administration hundreds of thousands of immigrants have been deported.

exploiting class “solution” to the deepening crisis of capitalism is to assault
the wages, working conditions and democratic rights of working people. This
includes attempts to undermine our unity and solidarity on many fronts. Their
attacks on those of us without “proper papers” are a key component in this
real target of the anti-immigrant offensives worldwide is the whole working
class. In the same way the bosses and their government use high and persistent
unemployment to increase competition for jobs, they scapegoat the foreign born.
The aim is to weaken our capacity to mount an effective fight against their
drive to foist the burden of the capitalist crisis onto our backs, and to
intensify their rate of exploitation around the globe.
to a presentation and join a discussion on why working people need to oppose
the attacks on immigrants worldwide.

Suggested donation $5 Traducción al español
  617-569-9169 bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Visit  themilitant.com  and  pathfinderpress.com  for news, analysis, and books 
T Blue Line to Maverick Station, bus or walk five
blocks down Meridian to Bennington at Liberty Plaza traffic circle.

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