[act-ma] Sat rally at Park St for Chelsea Manning at 1

Susan McLucas susanbmcl at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 08:18:31 PST 2013

The Saturday 1:00 peace vigil at Park Street will be a birthday rally for
Chelsea Manning who turns 26 next week. Cake will be served as we call for
a pardon for Chelsea.  Jason Búo-Shù Huang, a Taiwanese activist, will join
the rally and stand naked (boxer shorts) for 3.5 hours to symbolize
Chelsea's 3.5 years in prison. Jason has done similar protests before; see
worldwithconscience.blogspot.com. Jason will start early and his last hour
will be with the 1:00 rally. The rally will have an open mic. See also the
Facebook event link, https://m.facebook.com/events/583113541744168, for
more info or call Susan McLucas, (617) 776-6524, SusanBMcL at gmail.com.

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