[act-ma] Honk Fest Parade with Anti-Drones Network

Susan McLucas susanbmcl at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 06:55:30 PDT 2014

Please come join the Eastern Massachusetts Anti-Drones Network in these
upcoming actions: We need marchers at HONK! this Sunday and help
distributing leaflets at our other events.

Sunday, October 12.
HONK! Parade

11:00 am. Gather in Davis Square, Somerville, at Herbert and Day Streets.
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm. Parade marches from Davis Square to Harvard Square.
After Parade: Participants join Octoberfest in Harvard Square.

The Somerville-based HONK! Parade of Activist Street Bands will take place
on Sunday, October 12 at noon, and once again UJP's Eastern Massachusetts
Anti-Drones Network (EMAD) will march carrying signs and its eye-catching
Drone replica. The group's message is encapsulated in the banner it will
carry: "No Killer Drones! No Spy Drones!" The U.S. Government must stop
surveilling its citizens and killing people from other countries with

The HONK! Parade is the culmination of the annual weekend-long HONK!
Festival. Dozens of bands, community, artist and activist groups, including
Veterans For Peace, will march from Davis Square down Elm Street, Beech
Street and Massachusetts Avenue to Harvard Square, where they'll join
forces with the Octoberfest celebration. Thousands of people view the parade,
and last year, EMAD's Drone replica and anti-drones message were
well-received. This year, EMAD's participation coincides with the first
Global Action Day Against the Use of Drones for Surveillance & Killing,
called by the KnowDrones.com network.

Please join us in the staging area at Herbert and Day Streets at 11:00 am
and march with us.

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