[act-ma] Nov 13 Discussion: the US role in the zionist/Israeli occupation of Palestine - Cambridge, MA

pf soto pfsoto at mynas.com
Tue Nov 4 06:07:51 PST 2014

  Discussion:  the US role in the zionist/Israeli occupation of Palestine

Thur, Nov 13, 7-9pm
Andala Coffee House
286 Franklin St,


*Nadeem Mazen*, first Arab American Cambridge City Councilor. He will 
provide an overview of how the US/Israeli relationship has impacted and 
prolonged the occupation of Palestine.

*Sara Mersha* is the Director of Grants and Advocacy for Grassroots 
International. Grassroots International is a solidarity founded in 1983 
after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Sara will be speaking days after 
returning from Palestine where she will be leading a human rights 
delegation for GI supporters and their many partners, including the 
Palestine Center for Human Rights, Stop the War, Union of Agricultural 
Committees, etc.

see Facebook event page <https://www.facebook.com/events/857772204262731>


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