Geoff Carens geoff.carens at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 15:26:11 PST 2014

This Thursday, November 6, at 5 p.m., workers and students will protest
Harvard University's discrimination against employees. Please join us!
We'll assemble at Massachusetts Hall in Harvard Yard (steps from Au Bon
Pain & the Harvard Square Red Line MBTA Station). Click here
<http://web.mit.edu/msfweek/Images/HarvardHall.gif> for a map. This action
supports Harvard workers including:

*Johany Pilar*, called an "embarrassing Latina," by a Campus Services
administrator, Johany sued Harvard after she was sexually harassed and
written up for reporting it. The discipline was removed from her file, and
Johany was promoted, but she has recently faced renewed threats of
discipline on flimsy pretexts.

*Nassim Kerkache*, demoted three salary grades by the same Campus Services
administrator, who said his English wasn't good enough to be a Coordinator
(a position he'd held for years), Nassim had defended his co-worker Johany,
and another employee the boss referred to as "that dirty black man." Nassim
was terminated when he took a disability leave. He has filed suit against
Harvard at the MCAD.*

*Paul Casey*, laid off from his job for "lack of work," shortly after he
returned from having surgery, Paul's many duties were simply distributed to
other staff. Paul worked at Harvard for over 30 years before his
termination. Co-workers are certain Paul was fired because the boss
perceived him as disabled. Paul is also suing Harvard.

Please help us show the world's richest University that racism,
victim-blaming, ableism and retaliation are intolerable! The Facebook event
is here

*Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.

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