[act-ma] 11/11 Aviva Chomsky & Gabe Camacho: The Immigration "Crisis" / Tuesday,

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Mon Nov 10 13:21:16 PST 2014

*The Immigration “Crisis": Has US Foreign Policy Created It? What Can We 
Do About It?*

*When:* Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

*Where: *encuentro 5 • 9A Hamilton Place • Park St T • Boston

*A forum cosponsored by United for Justice with Peace and Massachusetts 
Trust Act Coalition*

*Featuring Prof. Aviva Chomsky,author of/Undocumented, How Immigration 
Become Illegal/*(2014)

*Gabriel Camacho, of Massachusetts Trust Act Coalition and American 
Friends Service Committee (AFSC)*




  * *What is the "border crisis" and how does it affect Massachusetts?*

  * *What are political and social consequences of terms such as
      "illegal aliens"?*

  * *How has US foreign policy contributed to the problem? *
  * *How are local communities confronting the criminalization of
    immigration polices, and helping recently arrived refugees? *

*Prof. Aviva Chomsky *will provide historical context on the creation of 
the so-called “illegal immigrant” in the US. She will discuss the 
effects of military aid that the US poured into Guatemala, El Salvador 
and Honduras in the 1980s that helped create a violently enforced 
inequality leading to the problems today. Prof. Chomsky is coordinator 
of Latin American studies at Salem State University and author 
of/ Undocumented: How Immigration Become Illegal /(2014).

*Gabriel Camacho*is the Immigration Programs Coordinator for the 
American Friends Service Committee. Locally the AFSC is on the Steering 
Committee of the Massachusetts Trust Act Coalition. With the protracted 
death of "immigration reform" at the federal level, and President 
Obama's repeated delays on executive action, Gabe will speak on 
conditions facing newly arrived refugee families and how local 
communities are confronting these issues.

United for Justice with Peace

(617) 383-4857 <tel:%28617%29%20383-4857>

www.justicewithpeace.org <http://www.justicewithpeace.org/>

info at justicewithpeace.org <mailto:info at justicewithpeace.org>

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