[act-ma] Climate Movement Weekly Update: DIVESTMENT DAY Thursday -- Wear Orange!

Terra Friedrichs terraf at compuserve.com
Mon Feb 9 11:22:32 PST 2015

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Climate Movement Weekly Update: See You on Thursday -- Wear 
Date: 	Mon, 09 Feb 2015 17:16:28 +0000
From: 	Emily for Better Future Project <emily at betterfutureproject.org>
To: 	Terra Friedrichs <terraf at compuserve.com>

Upcoming Events


Global Divestment Day

Thu, February 12, 10am – 5pm (rally at noon)

Boston State House, 24 Beacon St

Mobilization to Save Cape Wind

Saturday, Feb 28, 1 pm

Boston Common

(Note: we are also exploring alternate locations in light of the unprecendented snowfall -- stay tuned!)

Berkshires area

350Mass Node Meeting

Wed, February 18, 2015, 6:30pm – 9:00pm

Unitarian Universalist (UU) Church, 174 Wendell Ave, Pittsfield

Boston area

350Mass Node Meeting

Mon, February 9, 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Nate Smith House, 155 Lamartine St, Jamaica Plain

Because of snow, confirm meeting with node coordinators[]

DivestBU Forum on the Financial Case for Divestment

Thu, February 12, 7pm – 8pm

Life Science & Engineering Bldg. (Rm B01), 24 Cummington St., Boston

Cambridge area:

350Mass Node Meeting

Tue, February 10, 6:30pm – 8:30pm

First Church Cambridge, 11 Garden St, Cambridge

NOTE: Orientation for newcomers at 6:00 pm

Green Cambridge Stormwater Barrel Construction and Giveaway

Sun, February 15, 9am – 12pm

Cambridge Community Center, 5 Callender St, Cambridge

Save Cape Wind Phone Bank

Sun, February 15, 3pm – 5pm

The Democracy Center, 45 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge

Save Cape Wind Art Build

Mon, February 16, 1pm – 4pm

The Democracy Center, 45 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge

Save Cape Wind Phone Bank

Sun, February 22, 3pm – 5pm

The Democracy Center, 45 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge

Central MA area:

Students & Goliath Screening

Wed, February 11, 7pm – 9pm

Worcester State University Eager Auditorium

Street Medic Training with Fighting Against Natural Gas

February 13 – 14 (4:00pm - 9:00pm on February 13 & 10:00 am - 6:30 pm on February 14 & 15)

Stone Soup, 4 King St, Worcester

350Mass Node Meeting

Wed, February 18, 7pm – 9pm

Ghosh Science and Technology Room #402B, Worcester State University, 486 Chandler St, Worcester

Lowell area:

Coffee with the Lowell Node

Thu, February 12, 8:30am – 10:00am

61 Market St, Lowell, MA

350MA Node Meeting

Wed, March 4, 6:30 - 7:00 pm

77 Tyler Park, Lowell, MA

South Shore area:

350Mass Node Meeting

Tue, February 17, 7pm – 9pm

Old Ship Church Parish House, 107 Main St, Hingham

Pioneer Valley area:

350Mass Node Meeting (Pioneer Valley)

Mon, February 9, 7pm – 9pm

Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst, 121 N Pleasant St., Amherst

NOTE: This meeting was added after the January 26th meeting was cancelled due to weather.

Because of snow, confirm meeting with node coordinators [mailto:PioneerValley at 350MA.org]

Students & Goliath Screening & Panel Discussion

Sat, February 14, 2pm – 4pm

Grace Episcopal Church, 14 Boltwood Ave, Amherst, MA

Poetry and Song about the Climate Crisis

Wed, February 18, 7pm – 9pm

Jewish Community of Amherst, 742 Main St, Amherst

This Week's News and Updates

Dear all,

Pretoria. Pittsburgh. Burkina Faso. Bangladesh. The top of the Teide Volcano in Tenerife. The busiest street in Lima, Peru. The streets of Kiev. A central bank in Bristol. The town green of rural Leesburg, Virginia. It turns out that Global Divestment Day is seriously, well, global.

Here in Massachusetts, we're pulling out all the stops, including a informational panel with financial experts, lobbying, a youth panel, and a musical procession through the State House. Join us for our "Voices of Divestment" rally and procession from noon - 2 pm on February 12, or come for the whole day if you can!

And don't forget: wear orange!


Join Us for Global Divestment Day on February 12

Join us for Global Divestment Day at the MA State House on February 12 as we urge legislators to move us as quickly as possible from a fossil fuel economy to one based on renewables, energy efficiency and conservation. Fossil fuels are a thing of the past, and divestment is a moral and financial imperative! We'll have a rally at noon featuring speakers like climate activist Tim DeChristopher, followed by a musical procession through the State House at 1:30 pm. Plus, join us for an info session for legislators and staff (public welcome) in the morning, and lobbying and a youth panel in the afternoon. Wear orange!

Click here to RSVP and see the full schedule! [https://www.facebook.com/events/1520630274863588/]

WHAT: Global Divestment Day

WHEN: Thu, February 12, 10am-5pm (rally at noon)

WHERE: Gardner Auditorium, Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St, Boston

Rally to Save Cape Wind on February 28

We're organizing a major mobilization for Saturday, February 28 to call on Marcy Reed, President of National Grid in Massachusetts, to save Cape Wind! Cape Wind has been in trouble since early January, when National Grid withdrew from its commitment to buy 50% of the project's power. We can't let the nation's first offshore wind farm go down without a fight! RSVP for the rally now. [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/155naShnCxRAfAW0SCQt9IMxGN9RRXvQCRkYrJc0uFM0/viewform]

WHAT: Save Cape Wind Rally

WHEN: Saturday, February 28, 1pm - 2:30pm

WHERE: Boston Common (Note: we are also exploring alternate locations in light of the unprecedented snowfall -- stay tuned!)

Sign the Petition to Save Cape Wind

Marcy Reed, President of National Grid in Massachusetts, has the power to save Cape Wind! We know she's been a long-time supporter of offshore wind, and we're calling on her to be a hero by honoring National Grid's pledge to buy 50% of the power from Cape Wind. Sign our petition to her now, share it on social media, and forward it to friends and family [http://www.betterfutureproject.org/save_cape_wind_petition]! We blew right past our initial 1,000 signature goal, and we're hoping to get thousands of additional signatures before delivering the petition in the third week of February!

Join a Phone Bank for the Rally to Save Cape Wind

Wow! The Cape Wind rally is shaping up to be an action for the history books. The level of enthusiasm and interest has been so inspiring! After you've RSVPed for the rally [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/155naShnCxRAfAW0SCQt9IMxGN9RRXvQCRkYrJc0uFM0/viewform], become part of the preparations and help us make this rally as big as possible. Join us for one of our upcoming phone banks:

WHAT: Save Cape Wind Phone Bank

WHEN: Sun, February 15, 3pm – 5pm

WHERE: The Democracy Center, 45 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge

WHAT: Save Cape Wind Phone Bank

WHEN: Sun, February 22, 3pm – 5pm

WHERE: The Democracy Center, 45 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge

If you're interested in organizing a phonebank in your area, that's great! We can provide scripts, call lists, and everything else you need. Email Downing Cless to get started: downing.cless at tufts.edu.

Cape Wind Art Build on Monday, Feb. 16

It's time to have some fun with paint and glue! Join our art build and help us create signs, posters, props, and other much-needed materials for the rally to save Cape Wind. No skills or experience necessary -- but bring art supplies if you have them!

WHAT: Save Cape Wind Art Build

WHEN: Mon, February 16, 1pm – 4pm

WHERE: The Democracy Center, 45 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge

Help with Outreach for the Rally to Save Cape Wind

Let's make the effort to save Cape Wind as big as it can be! Help with our outreach effort by reaching out to local environmental and social justice groups and asking them to join our mobilization. All you need to do is send them this one-pager [https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/betterfutureproject/pages/450/attachments/original/1423496671/Cape_Wind_Partners__Sponsors__and_Endorsers_(1).pdf?1423496671] and ask them to join our effort as an official partner, sponsor or endorser. Plus, call and ask your legislators to attend the rally -- you can find a script to use here. [https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/betterfutureproject/pages/450/attachments/original/1423497167/phone_script_for_cape_wind_rally.pdf?1423497167]

Students & Goliath Screenings for Global Divestment Day

The Central MA and Pioneer Valley nodes are planning screenings of Students & Goliath, a movie about the divestment movement, for the week of Global Divestment Day. Learn more about the way that the divestment movement is challenging the power of the fossil fuel industry, and get pumped for the Global Divestment Day events at the State House on February 12!

WHAT: Students & Goliath Screening

WHEN: Wed, February 11, 7pm – 9pm

WHERE: Worcester State University Eager Auditorium

WHAT: Students & Goliath Screening & Panel Discussion

WHEN: Sat, February 14, 2pm – 4pm

WHERE: Grace Episcopal Church, 14 Boltwood Ave, Amherst

Divestment Forum at Boston University

DivestBU is hosting a forum on February 12 featuring Lisa Goldberg of the Aperio Group, Leslie Samuelrich of Green Century Funds, and Bob Massie of the Investor Network on Climate Risk. Come learn more about the financial case for divestment!

WHAT: DivestBU Forum on the Financial Case for Divestment

WHEN: Thu, February 12, 7pm – 8pm

WHERE: Life Science & Engineering Bldg. (Rm B01), 24 Cummington St., Boston

Brookline Climate Action Week

Get ready for Brookline Climate Week! Brookline Climate Action is hosting a series of events, including a film screening of the movie "Power to the Pedals", tours of a tiny solar-powered house, a recycling day, and more! Check out the full schedule here. [http://www.brooklineclimateweek.org/]

Street Medic Training with Fighting Against Natural Gas

Fighting Against Natural Gas is hosting a street medic training from February 13-15. It'll be a comprehensive weekend-long course with several out-of-state trainers, and will cover topics like street medic history, ethics, preventative care, first aid and aftercare for common incidents, integrating with EMS, self care, basic response to sexual assault, basic herbal interventions, police tactics and weapons, and more. For more information and to register, click here! [http://www.fangtogether.org/streetmedic]

WHAT: Street Medic Training with Fighting Against Natural Gas

WHEN: February 13 – 14 (4:00pm - 9:00pm on February 13 & 10:00 am - 6:30 pm on February 14 & 15)

WHERE: Stone Soup, 4 King St, Worcester

Deerfield Sues FERC Over Kinder Morgan Pipeline

The town of Deerfield is using an innovative tactic to fight the Kinder Morgan pipeline: they're suing the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission! The basis of their lawsuit is the fact that much of the gas is likely to be exported. Read more about the lawsuit here! [http://www.recorder.com/news/15435600-95/deerfield-will-file-federal-negligence-claim-against-ferc]

Thanks for a Successful Year-End Fundraiser

Our 2014 Equal Exchange fundraiser raised more than $400 for 350Mass. Thank you to everyone who bought fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate and more. What a great win-win: we were able to support small farmers while raising much-needed funds for 350Mass at the same time. It was a delicious success and we're excited to do it again in 2015!

Successful Pipeline Forum in Pittsfield

On January 31, more than 100 activists and interested residents gathered at the ITAM Lodge in Pittsfield for an informational forum about the Kinder Morgan pipeline, sponsored by the 350MA Berkshire Node along with the Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT) and NoFrackedGasInMass. The event was a tremendous success, with lots of positive feedback about the content and quality of the presentations. Read more about it in the Berkshire Eagle! [http://www.berkshireeagle.com/local/ci_27420734/berkshire-climate-group-hold-pipeline-opposition-forum]

Rain Barrel Workshop with Green Cambridge

Green Cambridge is running a hands-on workshop to teach you how to construct a rain barrel for stormwater runoff collection! The barrels you construct, made from repurposed food shipping barrels, will be distributed to families who cannot afford their own. This is part of a Green Cambridge community program alongside the Cambridge Department of Public Works and the Cambridge Community Center. We'll be going through the steps of the process, and providing you with the resources you need to hone your new-found skills into a great do-it-yourself project at home!

WHAT: Green Cambridge Stormwater Barrel Construction and Giveaway

WHEN: Sun, February 15, 9am – 12pm

WHERE: Cambridge Community Center, 5 Callender St, Cambridge

Better Future Project Is Hiring

Better Future Project is looking for a talented and experienced organizer to join a dynamic team and help the climate justice movement win important victories in Massachusetts. This organizer will provide strategic organizing support to volunteer leaders seeking to accelerate Massachusetts' transition beyond coal, oil, and gas toward a renewable energy future. We're looking for someone with 2+ years of experience with grassroots organizing and demonstrated interest in climate, environmental, and/or social justice, among other qualifications. For more details, click here. [http://www.betterfutureproject.org/jobs]

Stay Connected to 350Mass By Joining Wiggio

After a thorough evaluation by volunteers and staff, 350Mass has moved its online collaboration forum from Rallyware to Wiggio. Start by joining our statewide Wiggio group for collaboration across the state [https://wiggio.com/group_open_join.php?groupid=2437601&password=better4all&ref=2518537]. Campaigns, nodes and other interest groups are also encouraged to create their own groups and sub-groups. For questions on Wiggio, please email Quinton at qyz915 at gmail.com; if creating a new group, please follow the 350Mass Wiggio rules. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gHocOeNcIDt-h_RgsVFMAG0jTQGqSl-_XK6nc_qcrVE/pub] Don't forget -- sign up for the statewide Wiggio group here! [https://wiggio.com/group_open_join.php?groupid=2437601&password=better4all&ref=2518537]

About Better Future Project

Better Future Project [http://www.betterfutureproject.org](BFP) builds a powerful grassroots movement to confront the fossil fuel industry and meet our energy needs without contributing to climate change, oppression, or human suffering.

350 Massachusetts (350Mass) [http://www.350ma.org] is Better Future Project's volunteer-led climate action network. Although closely aligned with the mission and values of 350.org, 350 Massachusetts is not part of 350.org.

Climate Summer [http://www.climatesummer.net] is Better Future Project's flagship leadership development program for young adults. Participants learn organizing skills including story-telling, relationship-building, social media, traditional media, event planning, campaign planning, and more, all while living their values and traveling exclusively by bicycle. Graduates go on to become leaders in the national climate justice movement.

If you have questions, email Emily Kirkland, Better Future Project Communications Coordinator, at emily at betterfutureproject.org. If you've received this email through a friend and you'd like to subscribe, click here. [http://www.betterfutureproject.org/volunteer]

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Follow Better Future Project [https://twitter.com/BetterfuturePro] and 350Mass [https://twitter.com/350Mass] on Twitter!

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