[act-ma] Film - Cuba and Chernobyl

Boston Militant Labor Forum bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 25 08:52:23 PDT 2015

TheMilitant Labor Forum Presents:

Cubaand Chernobyl 

Chernóbilen nosotros

Friday, March 27, 7:30 pm  

            The documentaryfilm, Cuba and Chernobyl (“Chernóbil ennosotros”) was produced in Cuba and broadcast on national television in2006. It tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine andCuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000Ukrainian, Bylorussian and Russian victims at the Pediatric Hospital in Tarará,on the outskirts of Havana. The film is in Spanish with Englishsubtitles.

            Cuba’s firstinternational medical aid program began in Algeria shortly after the triumph ofthe Revolution in 1959 and continues today with its doctors and medical workersaiding the fight against the Ebola virus in Africa. 

            The 28 minutefilm will be followed by a short presentation on Cuba’s international medicalbrigades and an update on the fight in Ukraine today by workers and farmersthere who are fighting to defend their jobs and conditions of life and work, inthe face of attacks by the bosses and their government, spurred by the economiccontraction exacerbated by the Moscow-backed separatist war in the east.


Militant Labor Forum Hall 

13 Bennington St., 2nd floor, EastBoston  

617-569-9169  bostonmlf at yahoo.com

Suggested donation $5  Traducción al español   

 Come earlyand browse in the book center.

Visit  themilitant.com  and  pathfinderpress.com  for news, analysis, and books 

T Blue Line to Maverick Station, bus or walk fiveblocks down Meridian to Bennington at Liberty Plaza traffic circle.

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