[act-ma] La Casa De Mayten's Circle Gathering at Encuentro 5

Paul Malachi paul.malachi at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 17:33:34 PST 2015

A heart-opening afternoon with La Casa De Maytén
La Casa De Maytén, a small independent community project in Peru, invites
you to listen to music, enjoy delicious Peruvian snacks, and learn about
our work and the community we love in an intimate and relaxed meeting of
ideas, passions, hopes, and efforts. Join a diverse group of people at E5
for a chance to connect, get to know each other, and share dreams and

Sat. Nov 21.
3:00pm - 5:00pm
9A Hamilton Place, Boston, MA 02108

The idea of the gathering is to create a relaxed space where people from
all walks of life can share, exchange and learn about each other and our
work and community. During the evening, we hope to begin building community
and a support system through open conversation and sincere sharing of
dreams and experiences. The gathering will be our chance to share what we
do and why we do it with people who are interested and who might become
long term friends and supporters of our work.


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