[act-ma] Organizers Wanted!

Aria Littlhous aria at littlhous.net
Tue Dec 6 12:29:27 PST 2016

Are you looking for a job?

DSA has experienced a 35% jump in membership since the November election and dozens of people want to form chapters in new locations. Our existing 60 chapters are absorbing in some cases hundreds of new members.
We need to support all our grassroots groups, especially newly sprouting ones, in developing stronger relationships with allies in their own communities, building the infrastructure to do serious and deep organizing outside the socialist bubble, effectively intervening in the mainstream political conversation with an intersectional democratic socialist analysis, and expanding our movement and the numbers of politically aware, active and organized people strategically resisting the Trump agenda.
We are a member-funded organization with an accessible dues level, which means our budget is small. But in this moment of incredible need we have chosen to invest our scarce resources in organizing. The next few months are critical for strengthening our on the ground capacity from red states to blue states, rural, suburban and urban. Read my recent post on our Democratic Left blog (http://blogspot.us14.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=baef7af1f422a68f8a7077f90&id=8623b16086&e=f260018a91)  to see an outline of our immediate tasks and get a sense of our plans.
We are hiring for two temporary (3 month) organizing positions.
* A Washington D.C. based part time student organizer.
* A New York City based full time traveling organizer (but with significant time spent on the road).

Can you help us?
The deadline to apply for these jobs is rolling. We will begin interviews Monday, December 12.
Please apply or forward to folks you know with strong organizing experience and an interest in building the movement for democratic socialism and against the barbarism of the Trump agenda.
In solidarity,
Maria Svart

DSA National Director

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Job Announcements
Title: Traveling Organizer
Location: New York City with extensive travel nationally

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest socialist organization in the United States, is seeking an organizer to travel to our existing and newly formed local chapters in the next three months. In the wake of a 35% membership spike since the election, this position will help connect our grassroots groups and prepare them for the struggles ahead.
DSA is a member-funded organization and our democratic socialist chapters carry out educational and organizing campaigns to build poor and working class power in their communities and on college and high school campuses.
This full-time position is based in DSA’s small national office in New York City (lower Manhattan) but the organizer will be on the road most of the time. The position may include projects for both DSA, a 501(c)(4) and educational work for our affiliated 501(c)(3), the Democratic Socialists of America Fund. The position is temporary, for three months, and is supervised by the National Director.
Does this sound like a good fit for you or someone you know?  Please review the job announcement below, DSA’s website dsausa.org (http://blogspot.us14.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=baef7af1f422a68f8a7077f90&id=e789a1be86&e=f260018a91) , and consider applying!
* Visit DSA community chapters, high school and college campus chapters, and small groups hoping to develop chapters, across the country.
* Meet with grassroots leaders to discuss national and local organizing and political priorities.
* Coach local leaders in organizing practices and skills as needed.
* Share ideas between local chapters.
* Connect local groups with national educational and activist resources.
* Communicate with other national staff and leadership about what grassroots groups need and want.
* Speak publicly at political events organized by chapters.
* Facilitate organizing skills and basic democratic socialism workshops organized by chapters.
* Work closely with newer chapters hosting you to ensure they successfully organize the event, recruit participants, and have a post-event follow up plan.
* Help foster state or region-wide connections by building bridges between chapters.
* Handle administrative matters related to travel (booking bus, train, car or plane travel; hotel rooms when local chapters cannot provide a bed; coordinating dates with local chapters and national staff; etc.).
* Coordinate with other staff and leaders also making local chapter visits.
* Perform other duties which may arise based on the needs of the organization.

* Minimum 1 year grassroots organizing experience.
* Exceptional listening and general communication and interpersonal skills.
* Ability to effectively convey ideas about democratic socialism, racial justice and socialist feminism to a broad audience.
* Strong group facilitation skills.
* Tact and discretion.
* Strong administrative skills and ability to multi-task.
* Proven ability to efficiently manage a project, use limited resources effectively, and work with a team.
* Ability to work with people diverse in age, class, race, gender and sexual orientation.
* Excellent computer skills: advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, specifically Word and Excel.
* Commitment to feminist, anti-racist, and anti-heterosexist principles and action.
* Identify as a socialist and be grounded in democratic socialist politics; general agreement with the positions and perspectives of YDS and DSA.

* Available to start work in December or start of January.

* Familiarity with Google Drive/ Google Suite.
* Familiarity with CRM/CMS platforms.
* Creativity.

* Sense of humor.

* Fund-raising experience.

Work Schedule: Full-time, but hours will fluctuate due to travel. This position is a temporary, 3 month position.
Salary/Wage: $10,500
Benefits: Health plan with 100% employer paid premium.
Application Deadline: Apply as soon as possible, as interviews begin December 12, 2016. Start date is in December. DSA is an equal opportunity employer.
To Apply: Email the following documents to jobwithdsa at gmail.com (mailto:jobwithdsa at gmail.com)  WITH THE SUBJECT LINE: TRAVELING ORGANIZER POSITION.
* resume
* cover letter with statement of your qualifications and/or organizing experience
* 3 references with direct supervisory knowledge of relevant work

Title: Assistant Youth Organizer
Location: Washington, DC
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest and fastest growing socialist organization in the United States, is seeking temporary part time organizing support for our student section, the Young Democratic Socialists (YDS). YDS is a political activist organization of dozens of high school and college campus-based chapters of younger (under 30) socialists who build democratic socialist politics, vision and culture in the United States. DSA is a member-funded organization with chapters who carry out educational and activist campaigns to build grassroots poor and working class power in their communities.
This part-time position is based in Washington, D.C. and includes basic clerical activities as well as significant time spent on phone calls organizing student activists across the country. Some travel will be required. The position may include projects for both DSA, a 501(c)(4) and for our affiliated 501(c)(3), the Democratic Socialists of America Fund. The position is temporary, for three months, and is supervised by the Deputy Director.
The Assistant Youth organizer is tasked with aiding the maintenance and growth of YDS. Duties include recruiting new members, identifying new leaders, helping new chapters grow, and working with elected and volunteer leadership to foster the talents, skills, and activism of existing members and chapters. The YDS organizer will work with DSA staff and YDS leadership on a February youth conference and maintaining YDS membership data.
Ideal candidates should have extensive student organizing experience. A good understanding of intersectional democratic socialism and the politics and organization of DSA, excellent social skills, and talent for explaining YDS politics and projects to a broad audience are essential. Ability to multitask but accomplish tasks on time by staying organized, to work independently and as part of a team, and to work with people of diverse backgrounds are required.
Does this sound like a good fit for you or someone you know?  Please review the job announcement below, DSA’s website dsausa.org (http://blogspot.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=baef7af1f422a68f8a7077f90&id=974086df5a&e=f260018a91)  and YDS's website ydsusa.org (http://blogspot.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=baef7af1f422a68f8a7077f90&id=3a8171efe9&e=f260018a91) , and consider applying!
* On-board new members and assist in the formation of new chapters of YDS
* Facilitate the ongoing organizing work of the members and chapters of YDS through one on one and group coaching over the phone or video-conference
* Provide staff support, especially leadership development, for YDS

* Work with the elected YDS leadership to mobilize membership around democratic decided national priorities and other political decisions
* Co-organize a national conference for current members and chapters, in collaboration with the elected and volunteer leadership of Young Democratic socialists (YDS), in February in NYC
* Serve as a liaison between YDS and DSA’s locals and commissions
* Report to and assist DSA’s National and Deputy Directors as needed

* Strong experience organizing campus activist campaigns
* Identify as a socialist and be grounded in democratic socialist politics; general agreement with the positions and perspectives of YDS and DSA
* Excellent verbal and written communication skills
* Strong time management skills and ability to use limited resources effectively
* Thorough understanding of academic settings, politics, and calendars at secondary and post-secondary levels
* Ability to work effectively with young people from diverse backgrounds
* Commitment to feminist, anti-racist, and anti-heterosexist principles and action
* Microsoft Office and Google Suite experience and skills

* Available to start work in December 2016 or January 2, 2017

Desirable Qualifications
* Student organizing experience around racial justice campaigns
* Familiarity with CMS/CRM platforms
* Creativity
* Sense of humor
* Fund-raising experience

Work Schedule: Nineteen hours per week, some flexibility in scheduling. This position is a temporary, 3 month position.
Salary/Wage: $20 per hour
Application Deadline: Apply as soon as possible, as interviews begin December 12, 2016. Start date is in December or beginning of January. DSA is an equal opportunity employer.
To Apply: Email the following documents to jobwithdsa at gmail.com (mailto:jobwithdsa at gmail.com)  WITH THE SUBJECT LINE: YDS ASSISTANT ORGANIZER POSITION.
* resume
* cover letter with statement of your qualifications and/or organizing experience
* 3 references with direct supervisory knowledge of relevant work

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