[Act-ma_discuss] Saturday demo for Julian Assange after his stroke

Amy Hendrickson amyh at texnology.com
Wed Dec 15 17:54:44 PST 2021

Appreciation to Susan McLucas and Paula Iasella for their persistant organizing

against this judicial travesty, and human tragedy. A fine young man is being

hounded, possibly to his death. SHAME!



Paula Iasella,  <mailto:AssangeBoston at gmail.com> AssangeBoston at gmail.com 603-654-6433

or  <mailto:SusanBMcL at gmail.com> SusanBMcL at gmail.com 617-501-9125





Dear fellow Assange supporters,


Remember that we will gather to protest the Dec 10 decision to extradite Julian Assange to the US this Saturday, Dec 18, 3-4:30pm at Fresh Pond Mall (near Whole Foods) at 186 Alewife Brook Parkway in Cambridge.  I hope you can join us.


Here is the statement of our national group from December 10: https://assangedefense.org/hearing-coverage/high-court-grants-u-s-appeal/


Right around the time of that decision, Assange suffered a mini-stroke.  This is exactly what we have feared all along.  Here is what Jill Stein had to say about it:  <https://twitter.com/Plucille54/status/1470728512600522755?s=20> https://twitter.com/Plucille54/status/1470728512600522755?s=20 [many other great speeches found at this link too]


At this point, I think we should all write to Priti Patel, Home Secretary of the UK at Public.Enquiries at homeoffice.gov.uk <mailto:Public.Enquiries at homeoffice.gov.uk> .  Ask her to refuse to approve Assange's extradition.  It seems like she will have the last say, after it goes back to the lower court.  You can also send her letters at Priti Patel, Home Secretary, Home Office, 2 Marsham St, London, SW1P 4DF, UK.


Also please contact Belmarsh Prison where Jenny Louis is the governor,  <mailto:jenny.louis at justice.gov.uk> jenny.louis at justice.gov.uk.  They are responsible for Assange's medical care at this critical time.  It is likely that his neurological problems have been going on for some time, untreated, and that their medical neglect has added to his troubles.


Please invite people to this rally.  This is a good link to share:  <http://masspeaceaction.org/event/boston-rally-to-free-assange-dec18/> http://masspeaceaction.org/event/boston-rally-to-free-assange-dec18/  


I'm attaching our contact list.  Any people you reach out to will be all to the good.


Hope to see many of you Saturday.


Susan McLucas, Boston Area Assange Defense

617-776-6524, cell: 617-501-9125

BicycleRidingSchool.org, StopExcision.net

14 William St, Somerville, MA 02144




Write Belmarsh to address Assange’s inhumane treatment:

Belmarsh Acting Governor, Jenny Louis, email jenny.louis at justice.gov.uk <mailto:jenny.louis at justice.gov.uk>  

Urgent Safer Custody – safercustody-belmarsh at justice.gov.uk <mailto:safercustody-belmarsh at justice.gov.uk>  

011 44 208 331 4890 Emergency: 011 44 208 331 47 81 or 011 44 208 331 4866 

Main contact – businesshub.belmarsh at justice.gov.uk <mailto:businesshub.belmarsh at justice.gov.uk>  and 011 44 208 331 4400 


Write to Julian: 

Mr. Julian Assange, Prisoner #A9379AY (next line) HMP Belmarsh, (next line) Western Way (next line) London SE28 OEB, UK 

Follow Belmarsh letter writing instructions here: https://twitter.com/WriteJulian/status/1193814416493436929?s=20


In the US:


Letters to President Joe Biden:

White House Info: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ <https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/> 

White House comment line, (202) 456-1111, 11:00-3:00

White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington DC 20500. 


Write Congress:

The Capitol Switchboard is (202) 224-3121.  Find your reps here: www.house.gov/representatives

Any rep can be written at Washington DC 20515 and any Senator at Washington DC 20510.


Contact Attorney General Merrick Garland Attorney General at US Department of Justice: 
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC  20530-0001

Comment line: 202-353-1555 x1, or fill out form at http://www.Justice.gov/contact-us


Contact Secretary of State Antony Blinken at U.S. State Dept:

2201 C St NW, Washington, DC 20520


or https://register.state.gov/contactus/ContactUsForm <https://register.state.gov/contactus/ContactUsForm%0d%0d> 

Letter Campaign Writing Key points to stress: 

a) Government misconduct in this case, including CIA plans to kidnap and possibly assassinate Assange, getting testimony in exchange for immunity from prosecution for Siggy Thordarson, etc. warrant dropping the case.

b) Prosecuting Assange using the Espionage act is Trump’s legacy. 

c) If Biden really wants to restore democracy, he has to reverse course on this [drop all charges]. 

d) The presumably more independent DOJ that existed during Obama administration considered going   

after Assange, but decided it was counter-productive and dangerous to US democracy. 

e) Assange has suffered enough. 10 years with no liberty, high security prison. If he dies, it’s on Biden.


In the UK: 

Boris Johnson, MP, Prime Minister, 10 Downing St Westminster, London SW1A 2AA, UK, ph: 020 7219-4682, Boris.Johnson.MP at parliament.uk

Robert Buckland, Minister of Defense, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA, UK, ph: 020 7219 7168,
Robert.Buckland.MP at parliament.uk <mailto:Robert.Buckland.MP at parliament.uk> 

Priti Patel, Home Secretary, Home Office, 2 Marsham St Westminster, London SW1P 4DF, UK, ph: 020 7035-4848, Public.Enquiries at homeoffice.gov.uk



For questions: contact Boston Area Assange Defense - Susan McLucas, 617-501-9125 or SusanBMcL at gmail.com, or 

Paula Iasella, 603- 654-6433 or assangeboston at gmail.com <mailto:assangeboston at gmail.com> 


National group: Assange Defense Committee, https://assangedefense.org/



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