[act-ma] 4/18 LIVE at Make Shift Boston with Fernandito Ferrer

Luis Edgardo Cotto luis.cotto at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 19:22:15 PDT 2014

The Center Without Walls presents
*LIVE at Make Shift Boston with Fernandito Ferrer*
*Friday, April 18 * 8pm*

Make Shift Boston * 549 Columbus Avenue

$10 suggested donation (sliding scale)
no one turned away for lack of funds (we mean it)

** participate in our BYOB Communal Open Wine Bar by bringing a bottle **


Fernando Antonio Ferrer Cruz ha sido un joven pionero entre la nueva
cosecha de cantautores en Puerto Rico. Se presenta por primera vez al
público en Lares '97 y desde entonces ha dado a conocer su música dentro y
fuera de la Isla. Natural de San German, Ferrer toma de los gigantes de la
Nueva Trova de los '70, pero ha desarrollado tambien un lenguaje propio
dentro de su trabajo. Su ataque percutivo en la guitarra y sus
impresinantes habilidades vocales junto al buen uso de melodía e imagenes
poéticas tan sutiles como impactantes situan su música en un contexto mucho
más amplio.


Fernando Antonio Ferrer Cruz has been a young pioneer among the new breed
of singer-songwriters in Puerto Rico. He first appeared on stage in Lares
'97 and from then on has gotten himself known all around the Island and
abroad. Originally from San German, Ferrer draws from the social justice
Nueva Trova giants of the '70s but has also developed his own language
within his work. His percussive guitar technique and impressive vocal
abilities together with the good use of subtle yet powerful melody and
poetic imagery puts this small-towner's music in a much wider context.


Luis E. Cotto | http://about.me/luiscotto

*~ "Pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living." -- *Mother Jones

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