[act-ma] 9/29 Student Leadership and School Desegregation in Boston

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Sat Sep 27 14:34:06 PDT 2014

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From: Union of Minority Neighborhoods < donnabivens at umnunity.org > 


		Boston Busing/Desegregation Project 
Learning Network Newsletter 

September 2014 
				In This Issue 
Upcoming Events 
Social Media in September 
BBDP Conversation at City Hall 



Student Leadership and School Desegregation in Boston 
Monday, September 29 5:30 - 8 PM, Freedom House, 5 Crawford Street Dorchester 

BBDP is one of the co-sponsors of this Boston United for Students' interactive dialogue featuring student leaders during desegregation and student leaders today. 

40 Years Later : The Legacy of Boston Busing 

Thursday, October 16 6:30 - 8 PM, Boston Globe, 135 Morrissey Blvd., Boston 

BBDP is invited to participate in a panel in this collaboration between Facing History and The Boston Globe 

Quick Links 
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Boston Busing/ Desegregation Project 

Union of Minority Neighborhoods Contact Us: 

Donna Bivens 

Project Director 


donnabivens at umnunity.org 
Join Learning Network


September 12, 2014 was the 40th Anniversary of the first day of school under the Morgan v Hennigan desegregation ruling. There was much coverage of this historic moment and BBDP contributed including beginning a partnership with WGBH and the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism. 

To mark the occasion, BBDP issued a report called Unfinished Business: 7 Questions and 7 Lessons . The report seeks to share what we have learned so far in our exploration of what we have called the Boston Busing/Desegregation Crisis. We intentionally spoke of lessons and not of "answers" because we are still learning and working to come to deeper understandings of the meaning and importance of this history for Boston today. Your comments, questions, insights and critiques are most welcome. 

We're using social media as a tool for remembering our past and connecting it to our present throughout the month of September. We hope to continue to ramp up our social media presence in the year ahead with your help. We'd like to post interesting articles, pictures or other artifacts from Boston's school desegregation history every day. If you have something you think we might like to post please pass it along. 

Also, follow us on twitter (@bbdproject) and look for the hashtag #Boston40yearslater to talk about the connections between the past and the present. 	

Meghan Doran has left her position at Union of Minority Neighborhoods as project organizer at the Boston Busing/Desegregation Project. To say she is missed day-to-day is a tremendous understatement. Thankfully, she's not going far and will still be working with us as a volunteer. Read Meghan's letter about her transition. We welcome long-time intern and volunteer Steven McDonough who will be coming on shortly. Details will follow in the next newsletter. 
BBDP Conversation at City Hall 

On Thursday, June 19th the Boston Busing/Desegregation Project held an event in City Council chambers to mark the 40th anniversary of Morgan v. Hennigan and bring an ongoing conversation into city hall about race and class equity, democratic access, and excellence then and now. City Councilors Tito Jackson, Sal LaMattina, Ayanna Pressley and Charles Yancey supported the event which featured educators Polly Attwood, Jose Lopez, Lyda Peters, Lorrayne Shen, Loretta Williams and Dorchester Community News editor Bill Forry along with others who testified about desegregation and its impact today.. 

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Union of Minority Neighborhoods | 42 Seaverns Ave | Jamaica Plain | MA | 02130 	

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