[act-ma] Fwd: CALL TODAY Deleo and Rosenburg, GET BIG MONEY OUT! of our elections, "Corporations Are Not People, Money Is Not Speech". Last chance to amend the STATE Constitution by 2020 is TOMORROW!

Terra terraf at compuserve.com
Tue May 17 10:47:39 PDT 2016

Hey, we just got word that there still is a glimmer of hope on the
PassMass Constitutional Convention Wednesday May 18...that we could
really get a "vote to reconvene" to vote on PassMass this summer. If you
want to see this happen TO HELP GET BIG MONEY OUT!...CALL ROSENBERG and
DELEO!!! Let us know you did, pls... we have 24 hours. THEY are the ones
holding us up. I know we can't do much in 24 hours. But what if we can!
Comment at the following post, to get updates and contact info:

Robert DeLeo (Speaker of the House, controls the agenda):
Phone: 617-722-2500 Email: Robert.DeLeo at mahouse.gov INCLUDE YOUR NAME

ALSO contact Stan Rosenberg (Speaker of the Senate, controls the
agenda): Phone: 617-722-1500 Email: Stan.Rosenberg at masenate.gov INCLUDE


Terra Friedrichs
+1 978 808 7173

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