[act-ma] 10/21 Tomorrow--Cancel the Debt: Solidarity Rally and Fundraiser for Puerto Rico

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Fri Oct 20 09:00:34 PDT 2017

  Baupost Private Investments Bviii  10 St James Ave Boston

1 to 3 PM

Puerto Rico is in urgent need of debt relief. Years of austerity, 
imposed by an unelected financial board installed by the United States, 
left the island in a precarious state, slashing social services and 
increasing the devastation wrought by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Puerto 
Rico's public sector has been loaded up with debt by Wall Street and 
European capital, driving a vicious cycle of budget cuts and human 

On October 3rd, the Intercept broke a story about one of the largest 
holders of Puerto Rican debt, a Boston based company linked to 
billionaire Seth Klarman: "The Baupost Group, a Boston-based hedge fund 
managed by billionaire Seth Klarman, owns nearly $1 billion of Puerto 
Rican debt, purchased under a shell company subsidiary and hidden from 
public scrutiny. Baupost acquired the debt through an on-paper 
Delaware-based corporation named Decagon Holdings LLC, whose beneficial 
owner had been unknown until now." 

We plan to rally outside of the Baupost Group office in Boston to demand 
that the odious debt Puerto Rico has been shackled be immediately forgiven.

We will also be raising money for the relief fund set up by the Puerto 
Rican Federation of Teachers: 

Boston Democratic Socialists of America
Boston International Socialist Organization
Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party

If you would like to sign on as a cosponsor and help organize, please 
contact contact at Bostonsocialism.org!


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