[act-ma] 8/3 US Social Forum - Reportback (Friday, Chinatown, e5)

Suren Moodliar suren at fairjobs.org
Wed Aug 1 12:42:20 PDT 2007

August 3, 2007 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Several hundred activists and organizers
from the Boston area attended the historic United States Social Forum in
Atlanta, GA. This report back features six speakers, several
cultural performances and a group discussion on what Atlanta '07 means for
us and the future of our progressive social change movement.

Confirmed speakers and artists include:

Dorotea Manuela (BMDC, Rosa Parks Human Rights Day Committee) - Facilitator
Mallory Hanora (Reflect & Strengthen) - presentation
Sue Gracey (WILPF) - presentation
Avelyn Pires (Project Think Different) - presentation
Carlos Moreno (Roxbury Environmental Empowerment Program) - presentation
Gretchen Chalmus (WILD, Painters Local 1952) - presentation
Sergio Reyes (BMDC) - performance
John MacLean (IWW) - presentation
Taina Vargas (3rd Sunday Batey, e5) - photo exhibit

Organizations involved in this report back include Reflect & Strengthen
(R&S), the Women's Institute for Leadership Development (WILD), Women's
International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF), Boston May Day Coalition
(BMDC), Boston Organizing Committee for the World Social Forum, United for a
Fair Economy, National Network of Abortion Funds, Mass Global Action.

Suren Moodliar
Telephones: 617-482-6300 (wk); 617-482-7300 (fax); 617-968-0880 (cell)
Projects: encuentro 5 & fair employment
Address: 33 Harrison Ave, 5th floor, Boston, MA 02111
Websites: www.massglobalaction.org; www.fairjobs.org; www.encuentro5.org

Visit: www.reclaimingtheivorytower.org for a handbook on organizing and
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