[act-ma] 2/20 CCI Brown Bag: FORECLOSURE: AND URGENT CRISIS (Wed)

Janet janet at communitychangeinc.org
Wed Feb 13 11:46:14 PST 2008

  Community Change Inc.   Brown Bag Anti-Racism Discussion Series 200

Changing the Public Discourse around Race


February 20, 2008 (Wednesday)
Noon—1:30 p.m.
Community Change Library on Racism
14 Beacon Street, Room 605
Boston MA 02108

The majority of people being displaced by foreclosures are low-income  
tenants and it’s becoming a gigantic problem in Boston’s working  
class neighborhoods where predatory lending is most common. The  
numbers are staggering, and increasing rapidly. The most affected  
targeted households consist of women, African American and Latino at  
every income level. City Life/Vida Urbana is helping tenants and  
owners in foreclosed buildings, both victims of subprime loans, save  
their homes.
Presenter: Roxan McKinnon: Director: City Life/Vida Urbana http:// 


Please bring your lunch. Beverages will be provided. $5 contribution  
RSVP (617) 523-0555 or ernestine at communitychangeinc.org

The current public discourse around race assumes that we live in a  
color-blind society where the American Dream is attainable by all  
individuals who work hard enough. This deeply flawed discourse  
obscures the racial disparities in employment, education, criminal  
justice, housing, health care, etc. and provides a powerful but  
faulty rationale for leaving our systems and institutions the way  
they are. The issues presented at the Community Change Brown Bag  
Discussion Series are concrete examples of the structural racism that  
affects the lives of all, most acutely communities of color. The 2008  
Series places these issues in their social/historical context and  
gives attendees a truthful discourse, as well as ways to put that  
discourse into action, in order to challenge institutional and  
systemic racism.

Community Change, Inc 617-523-0555 www.communitychangeinc.org
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