[act-ma] Please join us on Veterans Day

Nate Goldshlag nateg at pobox.com
Mon Nov 3 18:32:17 PST 2008

Hi folks,

I sent this a few weeks ago, but Veterans Day is almost upon us.   
Veterans For Peace is excluded once again from the Veterans Day parade  
since we will not march with just one banner, no signs, and no noise.   
So we will be behind the street sweepers once again.  And of course  
the American Legion (and the City of Boston since they outsource the  
parade to the Legion) will not allow a speaker for peace on the  
gathering on City Hall Plaza.

We want to have a large contingent behind us to support us in our  
messages against these wars and occupations and for peace.  Please  
consider joining us on Tuesday November 11 at 12 PM at Beacon and  
Charles where the march October 11 kicked off.  A flyer is enclosed.

Nate Goldshlag
Coordinator, Smedley D. Butler Brigade Veterans For Peace

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